6th Season Bird

  • mpearson
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Well I had the weekend to try and fill my last tag of the season. I decided to leave the bow at home and take the 12 gauge this time. Knowing the area was hunted hard and I only had a day and a half to hunt!

    I brought a good friend of mine along for this hunt as he has never seen a bird harvested…and he had gone with others about 8 other times. So we get to the land at about 4:30 am and it’s already getting light! Anyway, we make it to where we want to be and I give a little owl call….and the tom sounds off right in front of us! We get set up and it isn’t long before the birds pitch down. Long story short…I’m pretty sure we were spotted before they even left the roost! They came out…looked at our set up…and walked away! We decided to stick it out for a while and then after 3 hours we decided to hit the river for eyes and come back in the evening!

    We get back to the land around 3:00 pm and head out. On our way we kick out a doe and we notice that she is very aggresive towards so I figure she may have had a fawn recently…so we check it out! JACKPOT!! We spot this little one not 10 yards into the woods! We stay for about a minute…long enough to take a couple pics and clear the area. That made the evening for me!

    Anyway, we head out to set up and get settle in for the evening. I inform Jay that if a good jake comes in I would take it just so we could fill up and fish the next morning. As it turns out we have 4 jakes come in with in 15 yards of us, start dusting themselves for about 5 minutes and then the biggest one steps out in the open. After I drop him the other three decide now would be a good time to beat the other one! They jumped on him for about a minute and then they spooked as I couldn’t wait anymore!

    Anyway, a great way to end the season for me…seeing great wild life and spending it with a good friend. Thanks Jay for sharing the woods with me!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Congrats Mike! Awesome pictures of the fawn too! I noticed too during the later seasons that the turkeys were flying out of the roost really early. On Sunday, it was still dark out and we just got set up when a tom hit the field.

    Congrats again Mike on a great year!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    What a season you have had! Congrats on another great looking bird!

    Posts: 6441

    congrats on a very successfull season

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