Well my brother Dan and I got back from our Mn archery hunt near Money Creek! I have to say that that is some of the most beautiful country I’ve ever seen. You would never know it if you were driving on Hwy 90…it is a different world all together.
We stayed at my wifes cousin “cabin” as he calls it. You can take a look at the pictures and decide for yourself. Anyway, back to the hunting. We arrived at 6:00 pm Thursday night and tried to put the birds to bed. The next mornng we were in our blinds and the birds were sounding off all around us. But for some reason they never made it to the field we were set up on. Our plan was to sit all day in this field because it was perfectly secluded and had recently been worked by the farmer. Unfortunatly we found out just how recently it was worked as the farmer returned twice that to to finish the job.
We decided to go back the next day and try it again…and we were rewarded with a big fat zero again! (We found out later that the farmer had finished his work in the field at about 10:00 p.m. the night before so the birds had moved!
Anyway, Saturday morning was my first real opportunity to harvest a bird. We (my camera guy from HuntFish TV) decided to leave the blind and run and gun! Now that is an experience…running and gunning with a bow…not very easy at all. So we weren’t gone 15 minutes when we had a bird let loose and he was hot. We had no time hardly at all to set up when the bird was on us. We were on a logging road with about 30 yards of woods between us and the field edge! I jumped off the road next to a tree and Andy found a spot to hunker down. We no more than settle in and the big tom is spotted walking straight at us in the field. The bird elects to enter the woods directly below Andy and is heading right down the camera lense at him! I’m about 10 yards to the side of Andy waiting for the bid to go another 10 steps and he would be mine! Then…the bird locks up probably 10 yards from Andy and realizes something isn’t right! The jig is up and he turns and putts away with no shot!
We were bummed butit was a cool encounter.
The next morning I head back to the same spot and Dan tries a new area! Dan’s camera guy Matt decided to sleep in and I headed out alone. My morning starts out with gobbles directly behind me but he slowly walks up the ridge away from. I do hear birds landing behind my blind not 10 yards away. The problem was there was a fence between me and the birds…so they move down the fence until they hit and opening and then step out…5 jakes! It’s the last day so I decide to go after the biggest one…they come to with in I think is about 25 yards and take the shot! I watch as the Carbon Express draws feathers on his belly and the way they go. I paced it off and it was more like 34 yards! Time to buy a range finder! The morning was not a compete waste as my brother did have action around him as well and he harvested a nice tom. He didn’t have it weighed but best guess was a 22 lb, 9 1/2″ beard and 3/4 spurs….a good two year old! Not sure how he pulled it off though…the tom pulled up right next to B-Mobile, fanned out and was staring right in his Command Post blind…and the blind was facing directly into the morning sunrise! Apparently the bird was in a zone! He said it was so cool…his tail feathers were touching B-Mobles feathers and he stood there for about 5 minutes! Nicely done bro on a great finish to a wonderful trip!
All in all a great 3 day trip out to Mn and looking forward to next year. Thanks to Matt for a great stay on some beautiful country!