Well last weekend I was able to share my blind with my wife Jackie and our daughter Tori (8 years old). We had a great time in the blind and our daughter did a great job. We were only able to hunt Friday (all day), Saturday afternoon (because the wife slept in) and Sunday morning (Mothers Day).
Well to make a long story short, our only productive day was Friday. Being she has never taken a turkey before and this was only her second year of hunting them, we decided any legal bird would do. Now she doesn’t hunt with a gun because she doesn’t like the loud BANG, she we’ve been practicing with her bow and at 20 yards she is dead on! So, at 4:15 a.m. Friday morning we head out!
We arrive at the blind at 5:00 and I’m thinking to myself that this will be perfect…settled before daylight and the gobbling should begin! Well….NOTHING! No gobbling, no clucking, purring, yelping…..NOTHING! This blew me away since the morning before I found them going crazy in this valley! Anyway, we do start to see hens coming to the field…but no toms! Then at about 8:00 I see a group of 4 hens about 300 yards away…or so I thought they were hens. I yelp at them and the race was on! 4 jakes making there way quickly to us…one was able to fan out completely. They were approaching her form her left so she couldn’t see them right away….but she had bow in hand and was at the ready! When they got to within 60 yards I told her to peek out to see them…and when she did I notice a faster pace in her breathing!
To say she got excited is an understatement. After trying to calm her down the birds closed the distance and were only about 12 yards from the blind and standing at the decoys (B-mobile and a hen). As they stood there checking the situation out, she asked if she could draw back to which I said yes! So when she starts to draw back (and mind you, she can’t draw the bow unless she starts by pointing it up in the air and then pulls it back…you can see where this is going right
) I take my attention off her and start to try and get on one of the turkeys with the video camera. I can see out of the corner of my eye that she is about half drawn when…THWACK…we have arrow deployment…through the roof of the tent!
I look out the window to see if I can see the arrow land and then look back at her! she is almost
and I am almost laughing my
off! She has never done it before but on this day while she was pulling back, her finger hit the trigger and she sent the arrow about 80 yards into the field…and also sent the jakes out of sight!
She did not have another opportunity to try to harvest a bird in the days that followed, but all in all we had a great time and you can bet I’m not going to let her forget about this anytime soon!
(Also one side note…my daughter Tori did and awesome job with us on day one…we were in the blind for 5 hours in the morning and 5 hours in the afternoon and never once did she complain! And after my wife missed with the first arrow, my daughter turns to her and says, “Mommy, you have more bows here.” She hasn’t quite figured out what is the bow and what is the arrow yet!)