roller coaster

  • crosby-stick
    Crosby MN
    Posts: 613

    Rocky Reef, Twin Pines, Garrison Sports to name a few.

    Derek Hanson
    Posts: 592

    Go out to the mud flats!!! There are fish on every flat, some will have more than others so move around on different spots on the same flat, or move on to the next flat until you find fish. However, it will be a while until we can get out there safe. Early ice along shoreline structure I have no idea, but I’m sure there are good spots along the shoreline structure as well. I believe as long as you are a mobile fisherman, it is impossible to not catch fish on Mille Lacs. It may take hard work, but that’s how you learn a new area or lake. Also, watch out for the cracks on that side of the lake. They tend to get bad over there, so it would be wise to go out of a resort and check with them first. I use to go out of Terry’s on that side in the past, he seems to plow good roads and maintain the roads daily. Good Luck.

    Posts: 6441

    sorry been awhile gonna lump the stories together with working and turkey hunting not much ido time 2nd wis season took out a few guys that i worked with 1st one had never killed a turkey tried my best but could only get em to 70 yards he said he had a 10 gauge and thought he could get em but i held him off next day i went with someone else and he got his 1st tom worked fri tried again on sat called in 2 toms in 40 mph winds only to move for the video camera at the wrong time and spook them rookie mistake by a vet my bad crushed me later that afternoon had 5 jakes coming only to have them spooked of by a truck just badluck i guess no luck on sun season 3 here in wis work on wed and thurs am hunted thur afternoon and watched 3 toms roost in diff areas so set up fri am for the ambush the land owner said we could go ahead since there wasnt anyone else hunting that week so to our surprise there was a turkey blind acroos the field from us fri am the tom came out with 4 hens but just missed us by 70 yards and followed the 4 hens right across the field and got shot by the other hunter we pulled the plug and went to work to try again sat on the way out we talked to the other hunters and there reply was that they had always hunted in there so they didnt have to ask but anyhow more bad luck i guess so sat am we went back to the big field took out brutus(b-mobile) and 1 hen and settled in to wait wind and rain made it tough but about 7am here he came across the field 200 yards strutting and gobbling the whole way the closer he got to brutus the madder he got at about 30 yards i told jim (who had never killed a long beard ) to go ahead so he raised his borrowed “turkey” gun and proceded to miss him clean i felt so bad after he got hiome he “patterned” the gun with 1 bb in the head at 30 yards lesson learned the hard way sun was honey-do day with mow the lawn duties but it is man time with my tractor so not all bad wed 4th season mine and the mrs turn full stories are on the photo contest pages as my fingers are tired and i may be getting long winded

    Posts: 6441

    forgot to mention that while cleaning the mrs bird on wed am i made a bad move with my knife and stabbed myself in the left forearm luckily i missed all the important stuff just missed out on 4 hours hunting while in the emergency room gonna be fine thou just another be carefull at all times lesson there and never let your guard down

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Congrats on a successful year! Sorry to hear about your wound. Good reminder for everyone to be careful when cleaning your tom.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    wow what a week…great story and pics though…Jay

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Looks like you had a great year! Congrats!! Nice pictures too!

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