Isanti TOM Limb hanger spurs

  • kurtkid
    South metro
    Posts: 194

    Here is a couple pics of my Tom I shot last Monday.
    23# 10″ beard 1″7/8 spurs.

    Posts: 9249

    Looks like a great bird, but you know you can’t just post a pic. We want the scoop!

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Congrats on the great bird…but I gotta say, I agree with deertracker…lets hear the story

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    Congrats on your tom! Awesome spurs! Let’s hear it!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2853

    Whoa! He could do some damage with those spurs! Congrats!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 756

    Wow!!! Doesn’t get much better then that. That old timer made it through a bunch of hunting seasons. What a trophy.

    South metro
    Posts: 194

    Okay you asked for it. I’m not much of a writter.
    Story begings that I’ve returned to work. Couldn’t stand beign retired. So the pressure was on to shoot a turkey by 8:30 am and Drive from Isanti to Bloomington get there by 10:00 am.

    Sunday night I arrived to the land and talked to the land owner about possible spots to set up. Having over 300 acres of Land to hunt I wasn’t shure were to start. I couldn’t beleive it when he told me the best spot was just of the edge of his drive way.

    Feeling a bit of pressue from some others I wanted to shoot this bird with a bow. So I set up my Matrix 360 in the woods. 5:30 came and It was already very light out due to the moon. I sat a bit an couldn’t hear any turkeys on account of the frogs, cranes, owles, ducks, geese, woodpeckers, crows, Local rednecks with the dual pipes.
    I called for awhile and nothing. Then I heard a faint gobble on the North end of the property. I got out of the stand and put my Orange hat on. Not wanting to take any chances. Considering the recent Turkey hunting fatality. (no comment). I called for a while, I could hear a gobble coming from what seemed a mile away. Then nothing. By this time I figured I should start getting packed up and head for work. I whent up to the house and go packed up. But I thought I’ll give one last call. And before I could get the second note out 2 toms called back. I grabbed my shot gun, bow was cased up. and a minute later there he was right behind me. I got him right in the neck and not one feather fell off. I’m getting him mounted. End of story

    P.S. I made it to work by 10:00

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    Nothing wrong with that story! Congrats again and thanks for sharing!

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Man those are long spurs Any idea how old he is?? 4 maybe

    Posts: 2014

    Nice bird. Never fails Fish or animal they will always show when you are about ready to leave.

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