made it back from montana early this am talk about a roller coaster got there thurs about noon camo’ed up and went for a ride the ranch we were on was 17000 acres hadnt gone very far and i spied the 1st shed of the trip from the truck
couldnt find any trees let alone any turkeys there so we went to talk to the neighbors and check out some state land got permission on 2 other ranchs then went for a hike on the state land that look real good finnally heard a gobble about 745 that evening off the roost so we had a plan for morning the state land was a 1 mile by 1 mile square and of course the birds roosted on the line fence only to fly down the other side on private land where we couldnt hunt the birds were really flocked up and hard to call we fought with them for most of the morning with no luck that evening wasnt any better as we trolled on other land and came back to the state land at dark to try to roost them we found them again so we planned our attack for sat got in early and set up close and were greeted to 10 different gobblers and 15 hens no luck with the call so dave put on the super sneek and bam we had our 1st bird down and a split flock we messed aroud in there untill noon or so with no luck then we back to eat and regroup for the evening hunt we got back there about 4 pm got settled abiout 5 heard a gobble then another and another so we cut the distance and got set up what a show they gobbled and strutting the whole way in i was set on a bare rock knob with green draws on each side looking for him on each side only to see the white fan coming right up the rock in front of me he came over the top in full strut what a site stood there and strutted for about 2 minutes while his buddy hung out just aver the top we wanted a double but i couldnt take it anymore and folded him up at 40 yards
2 down 1 to go we high fived and took pics then settled back in to wait about 1 hour later we heard a gobble then another and he was close but with the wind we couldnt tell where then the tell tale putt from behind us gave it away the bird nervously walked around us and right down jeffs gun barrel bad for him
tagged out then we did some shed hunting sun am found3 more total of 4 and headed for home got in about 2 am would love to post more pics put somehow my computer deleted them of thememory cards make me want to cry luckily i printed this one out 1st

Posts: 6443
April 21, 2008 at 12:52 pm