ok im not much of a story teller but ill give it a shot took a 13 year old (dylan) on his 1st turkey hunt this weeked sat was ugly snow and wind and not much turkey talk but the breakfast buffet was awesome after we called it a day we did locate a flock of birds but bumped them so we made plans for today grabbed the double bull and my b-mobile (brutus) and a couple hens decoys and the video camera and got after em started early as we heard gobbles on the way in got to our spot scrambled to get set up and settled in for the show surrounded by gobbles then 2 hens pitched out and landed in the decoys game on so i thought then 1.5 hours of cat and mouse with 5 or 6 different toms one hit the field saw brutus and made the hundred yard dash fo him only to hang up and retreat at 60 yards they definately didnt follow the game plan as i was a tom magnet but they wouldnt get where dylan could shoot
they were driving me nuts then it happened one gobbled from behind the blind and slowly made his way to the field only to hang up for a few minutes (seemed like an hour) to gobble and strut then he made his fatal mistake and stepped clear of the woodline at 12 yards from dylan he folded him like a napkin
i got everything but the kill on tape because the blind was in the way
but i had told him just get him if its on film its just a bonus so after we round the stuff up dylan says i have to pee little did he know camera was still rolling he didnt quite wander far enough out of screen so we got (facing the other way )video of that also the stream in the morning sun was priceless
i tell ya i would rather see a kid get his 1st than shoot one myself ill remember the hug and the thank you forever 21 lbs and had a 9 inch split beard with 7/8 spurs

Posts: 6441
April 13, 2008 at 5:15 pm