Minnesota 2008 Spring Turkey Application Deadline

  • cschreifels
    Rockville, MN
    Posts: 5

    This is just a reminder for all of you who plan on hunting the Minnesota 2008 Spring Turkey season. The deadline is that all Applications MUST be purchased by FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2007. Do yourselves a favor and get them now, so there is no chance of you missing out on an opportunity for a great time in the field hunting!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Thanks for the reminder RiverBendRancher and welcome to IDO!

    Posts: 2014

    Thanks for the reminder. I have to sit this one out. can’t wait to read the stories though.

    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 14

    Thanks haha i almost forgot about it looks like i better get out there and do that tom. or something haha thanks

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Welcome to In-Depth Outdoors RiverBendRancher!!!

    Thanks for the reminder.

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