Turkey fever

  • mpearson
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Went this past weekend to check out a couple of turkeys spots and say hello to nice land owners who are more than happy to let my son and me hunt. The toms were out in full force displaying and strutting like crazy….that gets the blood flowing. Now if I can just make it through the next 2 and a half weeks!

    Afton, MN
    Posts: 125

    I hear ya Dartman,
    I was out this weekend doing some pre-season scouting and talking with the landowners and the birds were out in force. It gets you pretty pumped up when you see five big boys strutting on the land you plan on going opening day. I have a little over a month to wait though. Hope I can make it.

    Afton, MN
    Posts: 125

    I hear ya Dartman,
    I was out this weekend doing some pre-season scouting and talking with the landowners and the birds were out in force. It gets you pretty pumped up when you see five big boys strutting on the land you plan on going opening day. I have a little over a month to wait though. Hope I can make it.

    Jesup, Iowa
    Posts: 158

    Goin’ nuts here also Dartman!! Opens down here in 8 days and I’m pumped. Chasin’ em with a bow this year so I’ll be able to hunt all month.

    Good luck to ya!

    Jesup, Iowa
    Posts: 158

    Goin’ nuts here also Dartman!! Opens down here in 8 days and I’m pumped. Chasin’ em with a bow this year so I’ll be able to hunt all month.

    Good luck to ya!

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    I think I’m past the fever stage, Dartman. Heading to Kansas for some gobbler hunting, err, killing in about 4 hours and I do believe I’m in a state of complete sickness. Can’t freakin’ wait! Hope I can keep my foot from getting too heavy on the way down. I’ll post pics asap.


    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    I think I’m past the fever stage, Dartman. Heading to Kansas for some gobbler hunting, err, killing in about 4 hours and I do believe I’m in a state of complete sickness. Can’t freakin’ wait! Hope I can keep my foot from getting too heavy on the way down. I’ll post pics asap.


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