Well my season was coming to an end today. I was hunting the Wisconsin May 11 to 15 season. I had signed up at work to take Thursday and Friday off for hunting.
Thursday was a joke with COLD temps COLD rain
and howling COLD winds.
I never even left the house!
Friday it had rained till 8:30 and I decided to put some time in my blind thar I setup the day before where my nieghbor had seen three toms strutting the evening before. I had my bow in hand just waiting for an oportunity at a 10 yard shot on the logging road on the edge of a hay field. I sat there from 8:30 till 3:00 while only seeing ONE squirrel!
Next day I decided to go to Plan B. So Saturday morning I left the blind and bow at home and broke out the Browning BPS with three inch…4 shot turkey shells! I went to an area that I scouted earlier in the spring. I knew there were turkeys there and it was a place with little hunting pressure. I had a much better day, Friday… I had two toms coming in to 80 yards when I was cut off by REAL HENS!!!
Then later in the day had two toms that were strutting on the edge of a field of set a side. They wouldn’t move and there was no way of cutting the distance!
After getting rained on for the eighth time that day I decided to call it a day at 3:30.
Now Sunday’s weather was lookin up. NO RAIN…first time since I started hunting last Thursday. I got out early and had heard toms gobbling from their trees, but was pretty quiet there after. I did get one tom coming in about 7:30 he had come from a long ways off, but before he arrived he also went another way. I then decided to take a walk up to a chisel plowed field of corn that I seen a couple hens visit yesterday. When I got about 10 yards from the edge of the field I seen a hen and two toms close behind her heading to my side of the field. I couldn’t believe none of them had seen my approach. The two toms were to busy entertaining the hen…who could have cared less (I think she may have seen this before ) i noticed the second tom was strutting the whole way. The boss usually. I gave a cluck with my mouth call and the boss gobbled back and then put up his periscope to take a looksie…BIG MISTAKE! I had the scope crosshairs already on there mark. I pulled the trigger and dropped him like a ton of bricks!!!
It was about a forty five yard shot. The hen then ran off the opposite direction with the other tom lookin around wondering why Boss wasn’t comin along! He finally decided it was till to bookout of there.
I was done with my hunt! I didn’t know if I was dreamin or it was the real deal! As I walked over to my new trophy I realized it was no dream! I had put the hammer down. My goal this spring was to take a turkey with a bow, but if conditions aren’t in your favor it’s time to break out the BIG GUNS!
My turkey wieghed in at 24 pounds…10 1/2 inch beard and had impressive 1 1/4 spurs! After days like Friday and Saturday you wonder why you get up before the sun, but after days like today you remember why!!!
Sorry it SOOOOOO LONG, but I like tellin the WHOLE STORY! Thanks for your time.