Turkey Hunting in Wisconsin

  • robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Here is a story of an exciting hunt had by Jason Williams, I believe it was two weekends ago. Jason is the son of a guy that I used to work with. Jason, his brother Jamie, and Father Jim live to hunt, much like I do. We all share the same passion for the outdoors. These two “Williams Brothers” (as they are called around the office at work) are sure learning things the right way from their Old Man . Jason attends the Uiversity of Wisconsin EC. I believe this was the only day Jason had to hunt, so the pressure was on to fill his tag.

    Here is Jason’s summary of his hunt:

    It was a hunt for the ages…

    7:10 this morning I shot this big nine-mile island boss tom… I waded across the riverbed in hip boots and set up on the edge of our big food plot on our land at about 5:30. From 5:30 to 6:45 I witnessed nothing but gobbles as I estimate to have had about 10 gobblers within a 200 yard radius of me. At 6:45 I heard a juvenile-sounding gobble directly in front of me and looked up to find a jake in the food plot about 80 yards out, staring at my lone hen decoy. 30 seconds later, I looked to my left and saw a big tom jogging into the food plot. He let out a thunderous gobble and went into half-strut, sending the jake running for the hills. The big tom proceeded to strut and gobble 75 yards away, wondering why on earth my hen decoy was not coming to him. He gobbled every 30 seconds for the next 10 minutes in my direction, then proceeded to my right, towards a few hens. The hens were calling aggressively and this gobbler was double and triple-gobbling at every sound the hens were making. I knew I had to make a move, so I grabbed my Primos Power Crystal and started cutting and yelping very aggressively. The tom turned my way and gobbled more than any turkey I have ever heard. He stood in full strut between my decoy and the other hens, waiting for somebody to come to him. Every sound I made he triple-gobbled at, and slowly made his way towards my decoy, spittin n’ drummin the whole way. At 35 yards I unleashed the Hevi-Shot, and the rest is history… 22 pounds, 10-inch beard, 1-inch spurs.

    This turkey never stopped gobbling from the moment I saw him. He probably gobbled 50 times in 25 minutes, and most were double and triple


    Great Job Jason

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