turkey blinds

  • shore shinner
    Eau Claire Wi.
    Posts: 116

    Hey everyone just bought one of the new doghouses I think it’s the smaller version for like $75 has anyone used this for turkeys with a bow I would think that it would work great but maybe not I drew second season this year and am excited to go and try the blind with my bow any advice for if they can pick you out of there it does seem pretty well covered or if you’ve had any experience with this blind and deer? thanx for any input.
    shore shiner

    Glopaint,Capital Northwest Wisc.
    Posts: 162

    ShoreShinner, I have hunted out of a blind on the same order as the one you bought, with shotgun and had no problems with it, so you shouldn’t have any problems just remember that they do have exellent eyes so make sure you don’t make real sudden movements. I have first season but not going to try with bow quite yet, good luck on your season and if you need any help with turkey hunting just P.M. me and I will try to help.

    Glopaint,Capital Northwest Wisc.
    Posts: 162

    ShoreShinner, I have hunted out of a blind on the same order as the one you bought, with shotgun and had no problems with it, so you shouldn’t have any problems just remember that they do have exellent eyes so make sure you don’t make real sudden movements. I have first season but not going to try with bow quite yet, good luck on your season and if you need any help with turkey hunting just P.M. me and I will try to help.

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    Here is the Doghouse by Ameristep.

    I have the Penthouse and plan on using it this spring for bowhunting turkey. The main thing is having enough room to draw back the bow without hitting the side of the blind. I have practiced out of mine quite often this year already. I suggest the same for you. I have a pail with a swivel seat that I hunt off of. I’ve tried the standard camp chair without arm rest, but just found it more difficult to draw the bow. I have already deer hunted out of this blind last Fall. Had a six pointer walk within 20 yards the first night I set it up. Turkeys are less cautious with blinds than deer. I usually set mine up on the woods edge of fields. Get a good brush cutter and you should be set!

    Ameristep Doghouse

    Ameristep Penthouse

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    Here is the Doghouse by Ameristep.

    I have the Penthouse and plan on using it this spring for bowhunting turkey. The main thing is having enough room to draw back the bow without hitting the side of the blind. I have practiced out of mine quite often this year already. I suggest the same for you. I have a pail with a swivel seat that I hunt off of. I’ve tried the standard camp chair without arm rest, but just found it more difficult to draw the bow. I have already deer hunted out of this blind last Fall. Had a six pointer walk within 20 yards the first night I set it up. Turkeys are less cautious with blinds than deer. I usually set mine up on the woods edge of fields. Get a good brush cutter and you should be set!

    Ameristep Doghouse

    Ameristep Penthouse

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    i have hunted out of blinds for turkey’s but i used a double bull blind and we sat out in the middle of a feild and the turkeys didn’t see us one bit.

    3 people in my faimly drew tags we all got birds last year out of the blind.

    only drew 2 this year.

    good luck

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    i have hunted out of blinds for turkey’s but i used a double bull blind and we sat out in the middle of a feild and the turkeys didn’t see us one bit.

    3 people in my faimly drew tags we all got birds last year out of the blind.

    only drew 2 this year.

    good luck

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I bought a Dog House at Cabela’s Spring Expo on Sale for $54!

    Cabela’s Card Club days are April 7th to the 10th & April 14th to the 17th, there is a good chance that the Dog House will be on sale again!

    I drew a turkey license this year and plan on taking my daughter with me, can’t wait to try out the Dog House!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I bought a Dog House at Cabela’s Spring Expo on Sale for $54!

    Cabela’s Card Club days are April 7th to the 10th & April 14th to the 17th, there is a good chance that the Dog House will be on sale again!

    I drew a turkey license this year and plan on taking my daughter with me, can’t wait to try out the Dog House!

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 317

    I use the Double Bull blind. From my experience, set your decoys only a few yards away. If you have an idea of where they may be coming from, set decoys behind you. That way if they hang up on you, they will be that much closer. I’ve shot birds with my bow as close as three yards from my blind. Talk about an adrenaline rush! Good luck, I drew the “c” season and can hardly wait. Saw first strutters of the season yesterday. Things are really going to start heating up.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 317

    I use the Double Bull blind. From my experience, set your decoys only a few yards away. If you have an idea of where they may be coming from, set decoys behind you. That way if they hang up on you, they will be that much closer. I’ve shot birds with my bow as close as three yards from my blind. Talk about an adrenaline rush! Good luck, I drew the “c” season and can hardly wait. Saw first strutters of the season yesterday. Things are really going to start heating up.

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    I use a Dog Hose blind also. I haven’t tried hunting turkeys with a bow though. What kind of arrows do you use or what kind of tips? I’ve had turkey and deer walk right past the blind. What zones are you guys hunting I’ve got zone 20 second season. Steve

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    I use a Dog Hose blind also. I haven’t tried hunting turkeys with a bow though. What kind of arrows do you use or what kind of tips? I’ve had turkey and deer walk right past the blind. What zones are you guys hunting I’ve got zone 20 second season. Steve

    shore shinner
    Eau Claire Wi.
    Posts: 116

    heck on 4/3/05 sunday night I took up the blind to some nearby woods that I new had some turkeys well got up there I kicked out three hens. Then I got a gobbler to go at it nonstop for about ten minutes. that was awesome Even though he didn’t come to were I could see him he roosted in a tree about 100 yrds. away. I had two squirrels come within a couple feet of the blind. and that was about it it was awesome to see this this early

    shore shinner
    Eau Claire Wi.
    Posts: 116

    heck on 4/3/05 sunday night I took up the blind to some nearby woods that I new had some turkeys well got up there I kicked out three hens. Then I got a gobbler to go at it nonstop for about ten minutes. that was awesome Even though he didn’t come to were I could see him he roosted in a tree about 100 yrds. away. I had two squirrels come within a couple feet of the blind. and that was about it it was awesome to see this this early

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