Boy some turkeys got it made. They live in the city protected by the law, especially the big old tom, fearless they are and brave too. They just had a short film on a local tom turkey with ba–s. This turkey was along side the road just ruffeling his feathers and picking at car tires as the people would slow down too look at him. A few got out and walked by him and he just put a few paces between them and him not worrying about anything at all. It showed the anouncer of the story talking to the camera, cameraman outside the car and the turkey was just walking back and forth along side the drivers side door. Cary j Hawn was the anouncer and he was just a laughing at this old tom. The final shot showed him driving away slowly and the old tom was still pecking at the car tires and door handle, his head was at the same height as the door handle, as he drove down the road into the sunset lol. The braveness of old tom turkeys, something else! Whats your story of any turkeys you’ve seen.
brave turkey of the roadside
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