Turkey wings

  • Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Due to a short term dieatary restriction on red mead meat I’ve been in a quandary over what to eat for protein. I’ve done fish, chicken, pork and get tired of the repetitious meat choices. Today I hit the store on a protein hunt and found a package of four turkey wings. This is just right for a day’s meat for me. If Ma was here she’d say get a breast but then it would be turkey this or that for five days and that don’t cut it with me. One day’s worth of turkey….I can do that. They followed me home and went directly to the grill.

    A fresh from the garden salad, two wings and a glass of milk and wallah: a meal. For dinner in a bit I’ll do just a plate full of tomato and cucumber slices to go with the other two wing cold and maybe, just maybe, a cold beer.

    No pictures but those turkey wings were just the ticket for this old boy today. Cheap meat too. Those four big wings cost less than $4.00.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    4 bucks for four is a great find. I found 4 for five that were already smoked but I had to put them back on the grill to get them done properly. I would love to find a source for raw Turkey wings or legs at that price. I would cure them then smoke them.
    Meat be it turket,pork or beef is getting way out of hand price wise.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Tried smoked turkey legs recently and thought they were very good.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5859

    I prefer Turkey thighs on the grill. Other than that, spatchcocked whole yard birds.

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