Turkey season??????

  • mattgroff
    Posts: 585

    Who’s going turkey hunting? And where? Anyone been scouting? I am on a pile of birds in the metro also heading down to are cabin south of rushford for a couple days to hunt and trout fish. I am archery hunting so I get all season. But Wednesday morning looks pretty good we had 15 strutters at are spot this last Saturday morning when I checked.
    Good luck to all and be safe.
    Also how do you eat your bird? Jerky or what’s your favorite recipes.


    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629

    My son shot his first turkey on Saturday. I posted about it in the turkey hunting forum.

    Now we have to wait until regular seasons to go again.

    Weather looks to improve after today. Should get them all tuned up again…

    Posts: 585

    That’s awesome. Nothing like getting kids involved. Nice job .

    Cody hesseltine
    Posts: 112

    I’ll be hunting VA this weekend and MD next weekend.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Season C in Ottertail county for me. Wanted to get the bow tag, but shoulder surgery in February cancelled that. Have had trail cams out for 4 weeks and getting some good turkey pics.

    I posted a really good turkey breast cordon blue recipe in the wild game recipe forum. Give that a try, it’s awesome!!

    Posts: 1296

    My old man shot one in WI on opener 3 minutes after shooting time. Bird was on the ground in the dark his 2nd bird he has ever taken flying down in the dark. Came in on a string strutted the entire way.

    Posts: 585

    Very nice guys. Keep the story’s coming.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12260

    Very quiet in ne MN. Hunted yesterday and nw this am. Only a few gobbles yesterday at flydow time. None today. Sitting in a ground blind now watching a field.

    Dont know where all yhe turkey go. Lsst week they were all over.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Grouse I am sure the rain and cooler temps has them a little less active. It was cool out this morning. As it warms up and the sun comes out they will be running around pretty good again. Good luck!!

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