Tuned up rod

  • rippinfish
    Posts: 30

    I would say bull whip,it’s very versatile you can fish tungsten, spoons and even rippin raps with it

    Posts: 2853

    Have them both,i would go with the BW.Just a thought you may want to look at the Fusion also.I see you mentioned bass and walleyes.

    Dan Baker
    Posts: 955

    The main thing to consider when chosing between these types of rods is how you want to be alerted to a bite. The Bullwhip is a visual bite rod. You see the bite before you feel it. It had a very light noodle tip which can be overloaded if you fish baits that are too heavy. I love my Bullwhip for crappie and bluegill and primarily use it for tungsten jigs.
    The Quick Tip is a feel rod. You will feel the bite before you see it. The Quick Tip has a very light tip, that will be overloaded by heavier baits. If you are looking for a feel rod that has the versatility to fish panfish, walleye, and bass I highly recommend the Fusion. It is more versatile in the baits it can handle. I use my Fusion for small spoons for agrresive crappie or shy walleye.

    Posts: 56

    X2! Determine what type of bite fishes to your strength and plan on acquiring gear to accommodate your strengths, confidence is key…find something you have confidence in regardless of that being a technique, gear etc. Once you start down the TUCR path, there is no turning back….

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    The bullwhip for me is a perfect panfish rod that shines the brightest fishing small jigs (tungsten, etc) but is also very capable of fishing small spoons as well. It has more than enough backbone to handle walleyes and bass as well.

    The Fusion is the perfect rod for chasing perch, smaller walleyes, and crappies with a small spoon, but it can also fish down to panfish jigs as well.

    To me the determining factor for your decision is will you intend to fish more with small jigs or spoons. I attached the TUC rod spectrum chart to show a general idea of how the actions for each of their rods translate to different lures and techniques waytogo

    1. TUCR-Rod-Spectrum-1-page.jpg

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