Tuned Up Custom Rods

  • gonehunting
    Posts: 539

    Does anyone know if TUCR still makes the Quick Tip model? It filled a niche for me between the bullwhip and fusion for crappies. Looking for the full Eva handle in 30-32”. I sent an email to TUCR.

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    Interesting, I see the QT is not listed on the site anymore.

    I’d make a WTB thread in the classifieds here. I bet there’s someone out there who has one they could part with. I sold mine a while back.

    Posts: 132

    Reeds has TUCR Quick Tip EVA and cork split grip.

    Posts: 302

    FYI I think TUCR is going to be coming out with some deals soon.

    Posts: 302

    Scheels also carries TUCR. Not sure if they have the version you are looking for though.

    Delta, WI
    Posts: 416

    I also have one I would part with…

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    Scheels and Reeds still have them. We have discontinued them. More to come on that later!

    Happy Thanksgiving all


    Posts: 2853

    John,i have a QT and love it.I was wondering if you discontinued it.I did not see it on your site.If i were to break it i can’t get one custom made?

    West Central Indiana
    Posts: 414

    Looks like I also need to grab one as well. By far my favorite panfish rod.

    Posts: 302

    TUCR posted their Black Friday deals if anyone is interesting. No ice rods though.

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    We are in the process of redoing it.

    If you do want want one we have a few left instore most shorter ones.


    West Central Indiana
    Posts: 414

    Email sent

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