I just received my Tuned Up Custom quick tip on Monday. Immediately when I received it I had to get on the lake. A buddy and I had planned on going perch fishing and when we got to the lake we were on them quickly. I have never held such a light, controllable rod in my life. I was talking to my buddy 10 yards away from my pole and when I had returned the mark on my Vexilar was bigger than normal. I grabbed my pole and slowly raised it to see if the fish was hanging on it and sure enough it was. I set the hook and ended up losing the fish halfway. Right away I thought I had lost a 28 inch walleye. After catching a few more 12-13 inch perch I realized I had lost a big perch earlier. The way the rod handles them is absolutely amazing. I love my Tuned Up Custom and will never buy a different brand again. I would suggest the quick tip to any perch fisherman out there. All I have to say is catching fish with that pole is a blast!

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