i just got back from up there this morning. was going to meet up with Gino to chase tullibees, but he said that lake was pretty ugly wirh wet slush..so we didnt go.
we checked bowstring on thursday…….no go there either…geigers said they had open water an holes all over and recommended walking only. the cty rd 35 access was huge trouble just looking at it and we seen only one person on bowstring way out but close to shore and appeared he walked out.
if i would of went out on the cabin lake i would of buried my 4 wheeler or snowmobile. we got on a little lake behind us but we didnt venture far out….there’s jst plain a whole lot of water and slush right now. the holes we did drill had a good 6 inches of the snow/slush ice and a goof foot of solid clear ice.
like Gino said i wont…..WILL NOT advise anyone on going out or not.