New X170T

  • KirtH
    Posts: 4062

    X170T, 17′ boat, 75″ beam, V hull, medium profile, will run well with a 40 hp and cook with a 50, 40″ livewell, 20″ baitwell or 60″ livewell, rod locker, will measure tomorrow, rear storage and front storage. This is the ultimate anywhere anytime 17′ rig for the tiller crowd. Rear deck extension (optional) covers gas tank up to 6 gallons.

    upstate New York
    Posts: 423

    Thanks for the pics. posted them on a few NY sites. This 170T really interests me. If it wasn’t for the tourney stuff, I’d be all over one, In blue. Would be a great multi species boat for new york state.
    I like the 6 gallon tank idea too. with all the concerns with eth in the gas, nice to know you can get fresh gas easy. with that 50 EFI, I’d bet you get a good range with it. throw another tank in there and you could go anywhere.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Kirt Could you give me a idea on price?

    Posts: 4062

    ABout 13999.00 with a 50hp They have one at the Mpls Boat Show to look at

    upstate New York
    Posts: 423

    nice price! whats the white deal on the front? TM battery? now you really got me thinking!

    Posts: 4062

    Yep and storage, wait till you see the X176 the little X190

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