Tuffy holiday weekend…

  • iceman35
    upstate New York
    Posts: 423

    Tuffy is loaded and ready to go. after work today me and Chris are off to Champlain for tourney and another fishing day for the holiday. Weather around 80 all weekend. Might even have a beer or 2… Since I can’t make the GTG, I’m gonna try and slam as many fishing days in this fall as I can. The NY Tuffy has been running great all year. I’ll post report and pics next week. out.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Best of luck in the tournament. Will be looking for your follow up and pics when you get back.

    Posts: 4062

    Good Luck Ice

    upstate New York
    Posts: 423

    tourney did not go well, high muddy cold water. no practice. very few bites. did get a 5+ largemouth. missed a few. over did it on my tackle. could have caught more jigging with lighter stuff. 65# too much. great memorial event and a good weekend. monday morning we drove down to the extreme south end of Champlain, looking for clear water. Pics are from the back of south bay. clear water, caught a bunch of small bass. few beers. good time. nice scenery down there. Tuffy ran great.

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