Hey guys, new to this site. My question is which Tuffy models come with a console. Not a huge fan of steering from the outboard. Would like to get a used Tuffy with a steering wheel and console. I mainly muskie fish (cast) lake st clair and occasionally get out to Wisconson and Minnesota when time allows. I have very limited experience with Tuffys but the experience I do have is good, not to mention its what everyone recommends. I dont want to break the bank but I want a reliable boat that allows me to fish in all weather. Tired of having to call off trips when the wind is above 12mph. If anyone can point me in the right direction so I can start fine tuning my search that would be great! The Osprey looks likenthe go to boat but finding one on a budget is tough!
Thanks in Advance!

Posts: 1
August 5, 2019 at 1:38 pm