TUCR precision recommended length

  • 507eli
    Posts: 14

    Hello. Having a hard time tryin to decide between the 32in and 36in precision rod. Most fishing will be out of an otter resort hub and sleeper house with occasional hole hopping. Really wanted to try the 36in but worried I’ll regret the extra length while fishing in the hub. Appreciate any advice!

    Posts: 4790

    i have the 32″ one and i feel like if i had the 36″ it would be too long in my opinion when fishing indoors. 36″ would be nice for hole hopping

    Posts: 613

    I fish almost exclusively with 34″ plus rods now, topping off at 42″ inside a 2 man or bigger with the high cielings, you should be fine going 36″. although I do it, fishing in a one man like the wide one I fish out of, can be humbling.

    Posts: 4517

    For inside fishing 30-32″, 36″ out side fishing. No way a 36″ rod will fish good in a sleeper house.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    I really like my 32 inch. Plenty of leverage still with that length. If you were going to be fishing outside a lot I would go with the 36″ but for a shack my preference would be the 32″. It’ll be a great rod either way for you.

    Posts: 2224

    To each their own.

    Most of you probably catch a lot more big fish than we do through the ice, but my longest rod M or ML rod is 32″ and most walleye rods I own are right at 28″-30″. I have not had any issue setting the hook or reeling in heavier walleye, northern, and burbot.

    Even outdoors, I do not like being too far from the ice holes.

    Posts: 14

    Ya as much as I want to try the 36 I’m thinking I’ll be better off with 32 for my situation. So many people love the longer rods but i could see it being a hassle inside for me. Been going back and forth so I appreciate the info

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21939

    The 36 works great in the resort hub. Lots of ceiling height but I still prefer a 32

    Posts: 2845

    Split the difference and go with a 34.

    Posts: 175

    I have 32” and 36” and much rather prefer the 36”. Never had any issues with it being too long in my flip over or hub.

    Posts: 534

    Just curious what did TUCR say about if the rod would perform differently at different lengths. I have a 32″ precision and when in ND fishing out of two person flip overs that are like the XT series from clam it was never an issue.

    I agree the longer rods are nicer than shorter rods if you have the room. Might want to just go buy a cheapo 36 incher and try it out for rest of season just to get a sense of the length and then you can order from there.

    For sure outside fishing you will enjoy the longer… extra length. If you can get away with it inside your house and shack then that’s the way to go.

    Dan Baker
    Posts: 955

    Just curious what did TUCR say about if the rod would perform differently at different lengths. I have a 32″ precision and when in ND fishing out of two person flip overs that are like the XT series from clam it was never an issue.

    I agree the longer rods are nicer than shorter rods if you have the room. Might want to just go buy a cheapo 36 incher and try it out for rest of season just to get a sense of the length and then you can order from there.

    For sure outside fishing you will enjoy the longer… extra length. If you can get away with it inside your house and shack then that’s the way to go.

    You will get a slight advantage with a longer rod, especially if you are fishing very deep or the fish a very large. But in general, matching the length to how you fish is more important than getting the longest option.
    When we cut a rod to length, we cut from the butt section up, so the tip and transition to the backbone is not affected.

    I personally find 32″ to be the sweet spot for most of our rods. The only exepction is the very stiff rods like the Vulcan. Then I prefer longer.


    Posts: 14

    The 2 guys I talked with at tucr were helpful but had different opinions. One uses 32in for everything and says it’s the sweetspot. The other guy uses the 36 both in and outside and likes the control he has with the longer rod. Says the the 36 will be fine inside once I adjust to the longer size. I know it comes down to personal preference and that I’m overthinking this like I do everything. I keep going back and forth after I think I’ve made my mind up. Appreciate everyone’s help

    Dan Baker
    Posts: 955

    Yup, it really boils down to personal prefernce.

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 514

    Eli, check your pm’s I sent you one.

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