TUCR Bullwhip with Shimano 500

  • King Dinger
    Posts: 75

    Guys what would be the best line to put on my bullwhip/Shimano 500 combo. Crappies, bluegill is what I will target with this set up. Mono, Flouro?? What brand does everyone like?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    3# Sufix Ice Magic.

    Tharin Benson
    NE Iowa
    Posts: 40

    I use 3lb. Pline FloroIce on my Bullwhip, with a Shimano Sienna 500.

    Sean bailey
    Posts: 14

    How does the bullwhip do against perch? Thinking that might be my next rod.

    Tharin Benson
    NE Iowa
    Posts: 40

    I’m pretty sure in an episode of IDO, I’ve seen James using the bullwhip in South Dakota.

    I think it was this episode.

    Ryan Wilson
    Posts: 335

    3# ice magic is a no brainer for me considering it’s what I have on my Bullwhip/Shimano500 combo. I use 2# on my Precision Noodle.

    The Bullwhip will handle anything you throw at it. One could say when it comes to catching fish, it really cracks the “whip”!
    I know…lame….but it is a very versatile rod.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    X2 on the 3# Ice Magic. I use the orange.

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 9

    Fish are line shy around here with all the pressure we get. I have found that 1 lb Asso Micron 3 line works good.

    Posts: 534

    I bought the bullwhip before I went to Devils Lake last year and handled small spoons and rattle traps fine. I caught anything from small perch to 11-12 inch jumbo perch and walleyes 20″ and under and it works great I would suggest that rod or the quick tip.

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760

    Fish are line shy around here with all the pressure we get. I have found that 1 lb Asso Micron 3 line works good.

    Couldn’t have said it better myself on the line choice but we can get away with 3#.

    Posts: 2853

    I have to go with James and the others 3# suffix.It is all I use.

    Glynn Plantz
    Posts: 9

    What about a Bullwhip with a inline reel? What line would you recommend?

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