Trying to locate minnows.

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11043

    I’m still ice fishing on the north side but not having too much luck finding minnows. Any suggestions where I could get some fatheads. don’t want crappie minnows and even those are getting tough to find.
    Any thing along the 169 corridor? When I call everyone says “I haven’t bought minnows in 3 weeks”

    Craig Sery
    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 1210

    I don’t know how far south you want to go, but the shell station off 169/Old Shakopee usually has at least fatheads

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Lehmanns in anoka or ebners in elkriver. Tails and trails In zimmerman

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11043

    Craig Do you mean Old Shakopee and Cedar Avenue? I could give that a try.
    Rubber duck I did try Ebners and they said no

    Maple Grove
    Posts: 9

    Big B’s bait Bass lake Rd and 169

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Any suggestions where I could get some fatheads. don’t want crappie minnows and even those are getting tough to find.
    Any thing along the 169 corridor? When I call everyone says “I haven’t bought minnows in 3 weeks”

    What are you fishing for…walleyes? I’m guessing you’re looking for (whatever?) on your way to Roosevelt? So I would guess you’re seeking crappie which leads to my next question, why not crappie minnows?

    Perhaps I shouldn’t ask any questions. smile

    Should I assume you called Prince in Milaca? I know this sounds strange, but the Holiday Station Store in Zimmerman? Back in the corner near the restrooms and next to the ATM machine, there is a refrigerator back there. Inside…there used to be bags of crappie minnows AND fatheads. A little known secret I have found there. Tee..hee laugh

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11043

    Yup heading to Roosevelt for crappies. I was catching bigger crappies on the biggest crappie minnows in the bucket. So I figure I’ll throw some big fatheads at them.
    I’ll try Zim then Milaca. By the time I get to Lindeens its late and there closed.
    No minnows up by Outing. bawling I guess if worse comes to worse I could head to Longville for some self serve.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Ah…don’t knock yourself out EPG. Just drop this down the hole and the rest will take care of itself. smirk

    You need to prioritize. Make sure to have plenty of Bloody Mary mix, olives, pickles, meat sticks…and oh, maybe some big shrimp. yay

    And make sure you’ve stocked up on the “vodak” so you don’t find yourself driving around in a blizzard to find all the muni’s closed. mrgreen

    1. big-crappie-bait.png

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    That’s only legal thru the ice on P4.

    Craig Sery
    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 1210

    EPG, nope. Right by dred Scott fields. About a half mile east of 169. There’s a Burger King on the corner and a shell station right next to it. The owner is a big fisherman, so he usually has really good bait. I would call there first, might be under dred Scott automotive

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Vados? Fish lake bait in Harris is a bait supplier. If they don’t have minnows, nobody in my area will have them.

    Posts: 7348

    Big B’s bait Bass lake Rd and 169

    Nice shop and nice people but man half the time I go there it’s closed. Especially during these between seasons. Hard to keep trying unless I’m right in the area.

    Jr’s usually has some when others don’t. North of the fleet farm in Brooklyn park, worth a call.

    Otherwise further up 169 the hardware store in champlin north of McDonald’s has bait, worth a call.

    The gas station off 55 and 19 had some couple weeks ago.

    Steve and Jim’s gas north of Penn and 394 also usually has some.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11043

    Thanks for the info guys. I’ll make some calls tomorrow.
    I’m thinking I might be making a run to Longville.

    Posts: 7348

    Say hi to Brutus for me.

    You’re a fan of Emily’s meats aren’t you? Think I’m starting withdrawals from their Colorado jerky. Oh man, good stuff. Typically do my up north shopping there, meat , buns, condiments, eggs, done. All a guy needs.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Or if you’re that determined to get “bigger” minnows…go colossal, and then you can add them to your enjoyment. yay

    1. Big-minnow-BM.jpg

    Jeff Telander
    Posts: 125

    I like BBQ ribs in my bloody!

    1. IMG_2832.jpg

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11043

    We stop at Emily meats quite often more stops at the Log Cabin which by the way I hit the raffle and will be picking up my Henry Rifle this weekend!!!

    Haven’t seen Brutus in a while, hope the ole man is still kicking.

    FYI – where can I find one of them bloody’s with the herring hanging out of it? Looks delish!

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Did you try the shop in Crosby? Oars n mine or somethimg like that? I used to fish Roosevelt hav3nt for a while. Great lake when you find fish!!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11043

    Forgot about about oars n mine, been meaning to stop. Now I have a reason. Thanks for the suggestion.

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    waytogo hope you can find some!

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Take the trek over to Hastings. They should still have bait at the Ace.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    “FYI – where can I find one of them bloody’s with the herring hanging out of it? Looks delish!”

    Uh…that’s not just a herring in there dude, that’s a Mille Lacs tullibee. Remember? A few were caught at the GTG and we all talked about this at the bar Friday night. We planned the farewell breakfast for Sunday morning and having bloody mary’s with the tullibee’s dropped in them like a bomb.

    Remember? You were the one really promoting it and then while we were having them Sunday morning we saw you racing out of the parking lot?

    We all figured it must have been something someone said. razz

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