Trucks with flags

  • ptc
    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    Since when is being patriotic dumb?

    Being patriotic is not dumb. But being patriotic is a lot more than flying a flag. But if you do choose to fly the flag to show your patriotism, it takes work. It needs to come down in the dark. It should not be resting on the bed or sides of your truck if stopped. If damaged it needs to be properly disposed of.

    In my opinion, if you are not willing to do it right, you are trying to appear patriotic but not willing to do the work…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    Unfortunately you guys don’t need to see this video but after the first time I heard it, the fireworks displays on July 4th have never been the same and it’s all about our flag.

    If you haven’t watched it already…take a listen.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    When I see a flagged pickup I am comforted by the fact they are almost certainly not a commie/liberal regardless of their other faults.

    Posts: 1806

    For the people that fly both the American and confederate flags on their trucks, does that cancel out their patriotism?

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    For the people that fly both the American and confederate flags on their trucks, does that cancel out their patriotism?

    Just defines level of maturity…..

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22389

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>blank wrote:</div>
    For the people that fly both the American and confederate flags on their trucks, does that cancel out their patriotism?

    Just defines level of maturity…..


    Posts: 193

    For the people that fly both the American and confederate flags on their trucks, does that cancel out their patriotism?

    this always got me as well

    Posts: 5321

    Double patriotism in their minds most likely.

    You won’t find me making an argument for it but southern culture/heritage “is” represented by that confederate flag and some hold on to those “values”. They forget about that whole slavery thing of course, but whatever floats their boat.

    There is a pinky up meme out there somewhere on us northerner states I’m sure the southerners appreciate.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22989

    I rather see one displayed in a truck bed… tattered or torn, than burning a new one the ground by some ungrateful person who is welcome to leave at any time. It is getting out of hand when we paint murals of druggie felons and have a problem with a tattered flag being flown proudly.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5593

    For the people that fly both the American and confederate flags on their trucks, does that cancel out their patriotism?

    For many people, the Confederate flag is not a symbol of their support of slavery. It’s a symbol of their support for individual states rights vs. the “big brother” federal rights.

    Many people are more comfortable with the idea of smaller bodies of government rather than big government stepping in and deciding their rights for them, and as such, the Confederate flag is a chosen symbol for that belief.

    Posts: 3438

    When I see a flagged pickup I am comforted by the fact they are almost certainly not a commie/liberal regardless of their other faults.

    and questionable as to whether or not they have a high school education.

    Posts: 3438

    For me that is a pretty weak explanation. To me it would liken to someone that today that has a swastika on themselves and says for them the swastika is of Sanskrit origin and the symbol is one of good luck or a charm or a religious symbol. If a person see’s the confederate flag as a symbol of govt over reach they should find a new symbol to express their belief, and if they they keep flying the confederate flag they can’t be offended if someone assumes they are pro slavery or at the very least a racist.

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>blank wrote:</div>
    For the people that fly both the American and confederate flags on their trucks, does that cancel out their patriotism?

    For many people, the Confederate flag is not a symbol of their support of slavery. It’s a symbol of their support for individual states rights vs. the “big brother” federal rights.

    Many people are more comfortable with the idea of smaller bodies of government rather than big government stepping in and deciding their rights for them, and as such, the Confederate flag is a chosen symbol for that belief.

    Posts: 7

    For me that is a pretty weak explanation. To me it would liken to someone that today that has a swastika on themselves and says for them the swastika is of Sanskrit origin and the symbol is one of good luck or a charm or a religious symbol. If a person see’s the confederate flag as a symbol of govt over reach they should find a new symbol to express their belief, and if they they keep flying the confederate flag they can’t be offended if someone assumes they are pro slavery or at the very least a racist.

    That’s an incredibly far stretch. The Civil War was not about slavery. It was about states rights vs. federal rights. And unfortunately what they were arguing about was the right to own slaves, but that doesn’t change the matter at hand.

    jon amundson
    Posts: 143

    Agree with Sharon and Charlie. Flown both flags more than once. My family has many colors to it. We see nothing of color. It’s quite simply good and evil. I have brothers, sisters and mother’s from Native to African to Mexican we all bleed red. I STAND HERE NOW AND TELL YOU HURT ANY OF THEM AND IM COMING FOR YOU. We would all die for one another. Red yellow black and white they are all precious in his sight.Amen.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    This is what the encyclopedia indicates on the Confederate Flag:

    Although the Confederate States of America dissolved in 1865, its battle flag has continued to receive modern display. The modern display began during the 1948 United States presidential election when it was used by the Dixiecrats, a political party that opposed civil rights to African Americans and supported racial segregation. Further display of the flag was a response to the civil rights movement and the passage of federal civil right laws in 1950s and 1960s.

    The display of flags associated with the Confederacy is controversial. The Confederate battle flag is associated with pride in Southern heritage, states’ rights, historical commemoration of the American Civil War, glorification of the Civil War and celebrating the Myth of the Lost Cause, racism, slavery, segregation, white supremacy, intimidation of African Americans, historical negationism, and treason.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3204

    That’s an incredibly far stretch. The Civil War was not about slavery. It was about states rights vs. federal rights. And unfortunately what they were arguing about was the right to own slaves, but that doesn’t change the matter at hand.

    For people who supposedly cared about states rights more than slavery it was a weird choice to federally protect it in their constitution:

    In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected be Congress and by the Territorial government

    Justin Donson
    Posts: 365

    That’s an incredibly far stretch. The Civil War was not about slavery. It was about states rights vs. federal rights. And unfortunately what they were arguing about was the right to own slaves, but that doesn’t change the matter at hand.

    Not a far stretch at all, in fact it’s the opposite of a stretch. And you said it right there, they were fighting for their state’s rights….TO OWN SLAVES. Go read the Articles of Succession someday, slavery is mentioned EIGHTY times, 80. Now try to tell anyone with a straight face that the confederacy was about ‘states rights’.

    But don’t take my word for it, here are the words from the Confederacy Vice President, Alexander Stephens, in his cornerstone speech on 3/21/1861:

    “The Constitution….rested upon the equality of races. This was an error. Our new government is founded on exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, it’s cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.”

    If you want to argue for smaller government, the confederate flag is not your symbol. And if you’re adopting it as such you are uneducated about what it stands for and telling the world(truthfully or untruthfully) that you believe in white supremacy.

    For many people, the Confederate flag is not a symbol of their support of slavery. It’s a symbol of their support for individual states rights vs. the “big brother” federal rights.

    Many people are more comfortable with the idea of smaller bodies of government rather than big government stepping in and deciding their rights for them, and as such, the Confederate flag is a chosen symbol for that belief.

    That’s fine to desire smaller bodies of government, but again, your using the wrong symbol, find a different one. And just know that 99% of the people who see you wave a confederate flag are going to believe that you believe in white supremacy, because that was the meaning that was defined by history. If you’re cool waving it around and telling all your neighbors/passersby that you believe that, you’re free to do so, but don’t start arguing with people about what the flag means to you because it doesn’t matter. You don’t get to decide the meaning of historical symbols, history dictates that.

    There are few symbols more un-American than the confederate flag. They fought directly against the constitution, the declaration of independence, and the idea that black people are human beings that deserve to live freely.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6823

    Hey Justin a suggestion. Try not to make every post here sound like YOUR ATTACKING PEOPLE. coffee

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1437

    Hey Justin a suggestion. Try not to make every post here sound like YOUR ATTACKING PEOPLE. coffee


    Justin Donson
    Posts: 365

    Not attacking people, just attacking false arguments! I don’t blame anyone for the lack of education they received on this topic. Some people grow up only seeing the confederate flag on the top of the General Lee.

    There’s a reason people in this country learn about The New Deal and not red lining.

    Or why you learn about the LA Riots but not the Tulsa Race Massacre.

    Or why you learn about black ghettos but not about black wall street.

    Or why you learn that George Washington’s dentures were made of wood, instead of the much more likely, they were teeth from slaves.

    We should all continue to learn, adapt, and change as information is made available to us.

    Justin Donson
    Posts: 365

    Hey Justin a suggestion. Try not to make every post here sound like YOUR ATTACKING PEOPLE. coffee

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>John Rasmussen wrote:</div>
    Hey Justin a suggestion. Try not to make every post here sound like YOUR ATTACKING PEOPLE. coffee


    You’re* jester jester jester jester

    But if you guys need like a safe place to spew your pro-confederate flag opinions I think there’s a lot of great facebook groups for that!

    Posts: 293

    Everything Justin says is fact because he’s “WOKE” just like the OP.

    Posts: 431

    Honestly, it doesn’t seem Justin is attacking anyone, simply educating. Don’t get your undies in a bunch.

    jon amundson
    Posts: 143

    I don’t need a book to define things for me. I have my own eyes and ears. I’ll stand against true racist anytime. But labeling people without knowing them or understanding their views sounds like something you say your against.
    It truly is good and evil. To tell people what they are without evidence of them acting that way is small minded and where allot of these problems started. It’s quite sad when the ones calling people the racist are making false judgements without even trying to understand why they do or believe what they believe.

    Posts: 699

    Some people grow up only seeing the confederate flag on the top of the General Lee.

    This is more true than most people are willing to acknowledge. The “Rebel flag” is just that, a flag flown by rebels. At least to young people here in Minnesota. It’s Bo and Luke running from the crooked sheriff, it’s Sweet Home Alabama and Freebird, it’s If You’re Going to Play in Texas and Dixieland Delight. It was NASCAR. It never meant burning crosses, lynching and hatred to the redneck lifted truck crowd.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22389

    Pretty sure every history book I’ve ever read, says only 10 percent of southern people even had slaves. Plantation owners. 90 percent of them were not slave owners. They were fighting to protect there home land and they way they governed. You can’t really rally a entire area by the way a few 100 wealthy people were. Most still flying the confederate flag are and always have been more hillbilly, backwoods, redneck type. Not rich plantation slave runners

    Posts: 5321


    Bottom line is that history has a way of advancing those “horrendous” progressive ideas. Getting rid of that flag is on the list of things that will be gone in a couple generations. Like it or not it’s been happening. Lil uptick within the last handful of years for some weird reason…*cough*cough*MAGA.

    But as they say sunlight is the best disinfectant.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17577

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Justin Donson wrote:</div>
    Some people grow up only seeing the confederate flag on the top of the General Lee.

    This is more true than most people are willing to acknowledge. The “Rebel flag” is just that, a flag flown by rebels. At least to young people here in Minnesota. It’s Bo and Luke running from the crooked sheriff, it’s Sweet Home Alabama and Freebird, it’s If You’re Going to Play in Texas and Dixieland Delight. It was NASCAR. It never meant burning crosses, lynching and hatred to the redneck lifted truck crowd.

    Bingo…’s about looking cool not what it stood for.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22389

    Don’t those same wealthy class lead both parties? They chant, preach and teach our kids.

    I dont find the confederate flag as a racist statement. Maybe it my family through out, Georgia,Tennessee, Texas, and Louisiana.
    But yes there are so many ignorant people who only have a one way vision, that’s what’s hurts us all, especially when we the people give them a voice.
    When the north beat the south it wasn’t about slavery. Not even a little.
    This day and age we can’t even tell kids how the US was found. You know why ?

    Reef W
    Posts: 3204

    When the north beat the south it wasn’t about slavery. Not even a little.

    Here’s a few more bits from the Declaration of Causes from a few states.

    Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery– the greatest material interest of the world.

    For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.

    South Carolina:
    A geographical line has been drawn across the Union, and all the States north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery.

    She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery– the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits– a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time.

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