Anyone have any information on who is letting Trucks with Ice castle 17footer with V out on their roads for the up coming weekend. Thanks for the information.
Just about all of them I’d imagine since most on the south end are allowing 3/4 gas with tandem axles. Approximately 20 inches of ice as of Monday. Hunter Winfield’s you can get out 1.5 miles.
15 most places I was at on east side over the weekend. Jerry Brant said this morning he had 16″ or so. Where was 20″? Randy’s, Lib Beach, and Barnacles were letting out 3/4 and tandems, all others I talked with had restrictions.
I saw a wagon train of large trucks and wheelhouses heading out from Randy’s and Rocky today. I was a distance away so I cannot tell what type of trucks. Plows were blasting new roads out to Indian Point from Rocky. The ice was thick underneath me. At least 15″.