Truckers convoy in Canada

  • John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6140

    This is finally making national news, saw a blip on it on one of the nightly national news shows yesterday and Trib had an article yesterday and today.

    Posts: 21357

    Update to OP ( Freedom Convoy )

    I currently have a driver parked at the Windsor crossing. She is blocked off again.

    I have another 60 miles away from the Blue Water (Pt Huron) and word is that one is now blocked as well. We will find out. He is going to try. These drivers are bringing steel in from Ontario. I dont know why my first driver even tried Windsor but he did and said he feels its not worth trying to go north to Pt Huron at this point with.

    Emmerson/Pembina is open. We had no issues there last night.

    Yeah, that isnt a lot of fun to have these delays. I suppose rerouting isnt the easiest thing to do either. I have a buddy who works for a logistics company in the TC. I should have asked him how they have been impacted last night. Not sure if they do much in Canada however.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1698

    To be honest these are the first two drivers we have had see any major delays.. We only run a couple loads a week in and out of Canada. However since 1/24 the demand coming at us from suppliers has gone up to 6-8 loads a week. Rerouting is not a bad thing when we are paid for it. However in this instance the customer is not responsible to pay the driver for delays or routing cost. Its just part of the game. We are paying these drivers about 30% more than we were 3 weeks ago so there is some meat on the bone for this reason.

    Posts: 21357

    My buddy owns a fabrication company outside of Houston, TX. They have been growing like mad. He has been working on an additional shop but cannot get the steel. He is so stressed. He has steel for fabrication just sitting in his yard, but he cannot finish the shop. His customers so far have been understanding but that isnt going to last forever. He actually leased a vacant shop to help, but nowhere near enough to keep up. Hope things start flowing better soon.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1619

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Don Meier wrote:</div>
    What is an example of cognitive dissonance?
    Cognitive dissonance causes feelings of unease and tension, and people attempt to relieve this discomfort in different ways. Examples include “explaining things away” or rejecting new information that conflicts with their existing beliefs. In other words Denial is not a river in Egypt .

    I’ve never had a flu shot nor the flu. Won’t get the covid shot, I got the sniffles when they claimed I had it. I don’t take over the counter meds, nor ibuprofen unless absolutely needed. Kids are both the same way. Why should we rush to get injections now? They clearly won’t help us in any ways. We are young and healthy. Makes 0 sense.

    I am vaccinated why ? Because IF I get it, I will have an extremely high chance I won’t die from it. Unvaccinated have 97 times more chance of being hospitalized and or dyeing. For me its a no brainer. Also vaccines have been effective at protecting all of us from Polio, Tetanus, influenza ,Hepatitis B Hepatitis A, Rubella, HIB , Measles , Whooping Cough, Pneumococcal Disease, Rotavirus, Mumps, Chicken Pox and Diphtheria .I wonder how many of us would even be here ? If not for these vaccines we received as children ? In life there are no rewards or punishments only consequences for our actions .

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 19343

    I am vaccinated why ? Because IF I get it, I will have an extremely high chance I won’t die from it. Unvaccinated have 97 times more chance of being hospitalized and or dyeing. For me its a no brainer. Also vaccines have been effective at protecting all of us from Polio, Tetanus, influenza ,Hepatitis B Hepatitis A, Rubella, HIB , Measles , Whooping Cough, Pneumococcal Disease, Rotavirus, Mumps, Chicken Pox and Diphtheria .I wonder how many of us would even be here ? If not for these vaccines we received as children ? In life there are no rewards or punishments only consequences for our actions .

    You are a much older gentleman then I am. So I completely understand why you would want it. Just like my mom and dad. I might be in your shoes as well. But I’m younger healthy and have a great immune system.
    I see your point of view, I don’t understand how you can’t see mine.
    It does not need to be a 1 rule for all, every one has the choice and there isn’t a 100 percent right or wrong answer. The choice is the person’s, each and every individuals. That’s how it should be and that’s why we are Americans.

    And for the record Don, I never once asked if you were vaccinated and or told you that you should or shouldn’t be.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1672

    15 days of isolation to lower the curve. Right. Now we are at the mercy of the federal government, who did a great job handling everything, to tell us when life can start again. I love wearing a mask and listening to people talk about their vaccine status, it’s fun. Congrats to all the people who have the vaccine, it’s great news! Shame on the anti-vaxxers who are killing everyone. People are dying people! Do you want to kill your parents? Apparently having 60% or whatever of the population vaccinated doesn’t stop the spread of the virus that only the unvaccinated portion spread. Per POTUS, it is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, quite the unifier Brandon is. Also, I’ve never received measles, mumps, rubella, or tetanus. It’s almost like those vaccines actually vaccinate.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16320

    He has been working on an additional shop but cannot get the steel.

    My brother is a steel sales rep for a company in Ohio and a portion of his salary is based on commission. He has been working in this business for about 15 years now.

    He just had his best-ever month of commission sales in January. His supplier is in the states. At one point, many of his customers turned to a foreign supplier whether that be in Canada, China, Mexico, etc because the price was lower. Well now all of his customers have turned to him because he has the supply, albeit at a higher price.

    Posts: 3253

    I am a little surprised that Biden didn’t get rid of the steel tariffs with China. I can see why the steel mills here in the US didn’t try to start up again with the new administration coming in, but now with Biden keeping the tariffs in place, it must take a long time to get American steel production back up and running. In the end it will be good for steel workers but we will pay more for everything in the end with American Steel. Steel drives the price of just about everything much like oil.

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    He has been working on an additional shop but cannot get the steel.

    My brother is a steel sales rep for a company in Ohio and a portion of his salary is based on commission. He has been working in this business for about 15 years now.

    He just had his best-ever month of commission sales in January. His supplier is in the states. At one point, many of his customers turned to a foreign supplier whether that be in Canada, China, Mexico, etc because the price was lower. Well now all of his customers have turned to him because he has the supply, albeit at a higher price.

    Posts: 21357

    You are a much older gentleman then I am. So I completely understand why you would want it. Just like my mom and dad. I might be in your shoes as well. But I’m younger healthy and have a great immune system.
    I see your point of view, I don’t understand how you can’t see mine.
    It does not need to be a 1 rule for all, every one has the choice and there isn’t a 100 percent right or wrong answer. The choice is the person’s, each and every individuals. That’s how it should be and that’s why we are Americans.

    And for the record Don, I never once asked if you were vaccinated and or told you that you should or shouldn’t be.

    On top of this there are lots of people who have underlying conditions where they are at high risk from receiving ANY vaccination. My cousins husband has Guilain Barre syndome. Got vaccinated and is now paralyzed from the waist down. His Dr is quite confident it was from the COvid shot and hopes he will be able to walk again.

    Posts: 5632

    Those sure are some crazy statistics Don.

    I think you finally talked me into getting vaccinated…..

    Or maybe not quite yet mrgreen

    {In the attachment below}

    Notice how they don’t even mention death rates for people under 65. It’s weird….. And 97 times more likely?? What where is that published?

    Even I take this study with a grain of salt, because it says people are four to eight times more likely to get covid without the shot. Yet somehow the slight majority of people I know that have gotten covid in the last year are vaccinated?

    How does this compare to your own personal anecdotal evidence?

    I’ve been to four funerals in the last two years…. One was for covid (78 year old obese male, former smoker with several underlying conditions, 78 also happens to be the average life expectancy in the US), 59 year old male with Cancer, 69 year old male with a heart attack, and a tragic drowning of my buddy’s teenage daughter.

    If you don’t mind sharing, I would like to hear your own truthful anecdotal evidence as well.

    People already have their mind made up either way and are not going to change.

    I’m not trying to change your mind, and you will not be able to change mine. Can we agree???

    Statistically, I have a far far greater chance of dying from a million other things than covid. My drive to work and a cheeseburger presents a greater risk to me (and probably to you as well).

    I’m not anti-vax. I’m pro-freedom.

    If our leadership really wanted to do our country any good, they would force people to get exercise and eat healthier. Unfortunately that doesn’t line pockets nearly as easy.

    1. Screenshot_20220209-1317512.png

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18389

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    He has been working on an additional shop but cannot get the steel.

    My brother is a steel sales rep for a company in Ohio and a portion of his salary is based on commission. He has been working in this business for about 15 years now.

    He just had his best-ever month of commission sales in January. His supplier is in the states. At one point, many of his customers turned to a foreign supplier whether that be in Canada, China, Mexico, etc because the price was lower. Well now all of his customers have turned to him because he has the supply, albeit at a higher price.

    I hope some of the domestic raw materials are coming from our iron range!

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1698

    This may not be interpreted to others as it is to me but will quote one of my favorite songs that I have heard my whole life..

    “There’s battle lines being drawn
    Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong
    Young people speaking their minds
    Getting so much resistance from behind”

    “Paranoia strikes deep
    Into your life it will creep
    It starts when you’re always afraid
    Step out of line, the men come and take you away”

    South Metro
    Posts: 1888

    HUH?!?! Sarcasm or what……. wow
    Steven Krapfl:
    15 days of isolation to lower the curve. Right. Now we are at the mercy of the federal government, who did a great job handling everything, to tell us when life can start again. I love wearing a mask and listening to people talk about their vaccine status, it’s fun. Congrats to all the people who have the vaccine, it’s great news! Shame on the anti-vaxxers who are killing everyone. People are dying people! Do you want to kill your parents? Apparently having 60% or whatever of the population vaccinated doesn’t stop the spread of the virus that only the unvaccinated portion spread. Per POTUS, it is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, quite the unifier Brandon is. Also, I’ve never received measles, mumps, rubella, or tetanus. It’s almost like those vaccines actually vaccinate.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16320

    I hope some of the domestic raw materials are coming from our iron range!

    Me too. Unfortunately he can’t tell me who his supplier is.

    Posts: 21357

    Me too. Unfortunately he can’t tell me who his supplier is.

    I suppose that is due to some confidentiality agreement?

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16624

    On a up note, I was able to secure a tub of Red Vine licorice today. yay

    cold spring mn
    Posts: 11281

    On a up note, I was able to secure a tub of Red Vine licorice today. yay

    rotflol rotflol you lucky dog you!!! mrgreen waytogo rotflol

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    This is finally making national news, saw a blip on it on one of the nightly national news shows yesterday and Trib had an article yesterday and today.

    I’ve been seeing a story ever day on AP. It’s never the top headline but it’s always a top story in world news.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1626

    I don’t care who you are that’s funny!

    Posts: 109

    Statement from Teamsters Canada:

    Teamsters Canada is proud to represent over 55,000 professional drivers from diverse industries across the country, approximately 15,000 of which are long haul truck drivers, 90% of whom are vaccinated.

    The so-called “freedom convoy” and the despicable display of hate lead by the political Right and shamefully encouraged by elected conservative politicians does not reflect the values of Teamsters Canada, nor the vast majority of our members, and in fact has served to delegitimize the real concerns of most truck drivers today.

    We firmly believe in the right to protest government policies and voice a wide array of opinions, but what is happening in Ottawa has done more harm to Teamsters members, be they Truck Drivers who were trying to deliver their loads, or hotel, restaurant and healthcare workers who were intimidated, abused or prevented from accessing their workplaces, by several protesters.

    Teamsters Canada would welcome collaboration with government and employers to address today’s real challenges in the trucking industry to keep the supply chain going and Canada’s economy growing.

    We join in the calls urging those protesters with legitimate concerns to go back to their own communities and work with local politicians. We are all frustrated and want our lives back, however, let’s ensure we get there respectfully, safely and protect the health of our most vulnerable first.

    François Laporte
    President of Teamsters Canada
    Vice President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters

    The Real Enemy for Truckers is Covid-19

    (507) MN
    Posts: 138

    “If human nature and history teach anything, it is that civil liberties face grave risks when governments proclaim indefinite states of emergency. During a pandemic such as this one, it is even more important to safeguard the separation of powers set forth in our Constitution to avoid erosion of our liberties,”
    -The Honorable, Terry Doughty

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16624

    So the teamsters leadership decided not to back the standoff until it’s was clear they would win. Now to save face they urge the drivers to stand down and return home.

    Not likely to happen.

    Posts: 5632

    There are 1.2 MILLION registered commerical vehicles in Canada.

    The teamsters?? 15,000 driver’s?? Out of 1,200,000 heavy trucks?? That almost sounds like a real “small fringe minority”.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16624

    The Duluth Mn mask mandate expires this weekend.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    The Duluth Mn mask mandate expires this weekend.

    See, protests work!/s

    Reef W
    Posts: 2500

    There are 1.2 MILLION registered commerical vehicles in Canada.

    The teamsters?? 15,000 driver’s?? That represents the true “very small fringe minority”.

    Literally 1.25% mrgreen

    You think there are 1.2 million “long haul truck drivers” in a country of 38 million?

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