Truck Topper Suggestions

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18938

    Looking for suggestions on toppers. Was all set on A.R.E. but currently they do not make the model I want for my pickup. I’ve had A.R.E. on my last two but if they arent going to keep up with new vehicles then it may be time to change.
    Tried shopping LEER but their website is a joke. Any suggestions?

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    I have ARE on my current Ram and will be getting ARE on my new Ram I am most likely purchasing within the next few days. I love mine! I really don’t know much about the other brands.
    ARE CX Series, Windoors with vents, for me it is the ultimate for hunting and fishing, especially for keeping gear and dogs safe when taking multi day pheasant hunt trips.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I’ve got a Leer, no complaints. The components between all the brands are pretty similar, if not the same. I really like the way my Leer mounts, no clamps to have stuff hang up on when loading. Side windoors are the way to go, wouldn’t even own one without them.

    Posts: 149

    I like atleast one side door. I put a deck across the front about 3 ft and it makes it nice to store stuff. two layer affect. Nice for ice fishing gear, hunting gear what have you for easy reach and extra storage room.

    David Ellingson
    Posts: 37

    Last three toppers have had side flip open windows would not own another without them. Like Roger said an absolute must for gear access. To old to crawl up in box anymore.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17283

    Did you look for or are you interested in used? Truck Topper up on HWY 65 has a bunch of them laying around.

    Red Reno
    Posts: 133

    I have the same ARE topper that was on my 2007 GMC Sierra, then onto my 2014 Silverado and now on my 2017 Silverado(had to paint it this time since I got tired of the color). It is about a 98% perfect match and the average Joe couldn’t tell. The bodyshop that painted it barely could tell it wasn’t for that year of vehicle. Save yourself $3500 and just put you old one on the new truck.

    Francis K
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 836

    I had a Leer from Radco and was never impressed with the topper or service from Radco.

    I am 2 years into a Jason I bought from Countryside Covers in Maple Grove and have been pleased with it.

    Dakota, MN
    Posts: 137

    My last three toppers have been ARE very very happy with them. Would not have one without the flip up vented side doors. Will be getting another here shortly for my new truck but WOW have they jumped in price since I bought my last one in 2012.


    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    I agree on the opening side windows, my next one will have those. Also will have the light hard wired next time, I didn’t because I was worried about walking out to a dead battery if I forgot and left it on, but the battery light lasted through maybe two sets of batteries before it was junk.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18938

    Im still waiting for ARE to have the Z series for my truck. Still in design stage.

    Posts: 1166

    Question about the open side windows though. With as high as trucks are lifted now off the ground from the factory, combined with the high depth of the bed itself, how can you even access anything through the sides anyway without a step stool?

    Posts: 1166

    My recommendation is to pay extra for the single center window latch. I see these guys with these brand new trucks and toppers and were too cheap to opt for this. So it’s annoying to have to use the left and right knobs to open and lock the hatch.

    I would also recommend getting the Yakima/Thule roof rack on top for ladders, canoes, kayaks, lumber, and who knows what else. It really gives you options for down the road on more stuff to take with you.

    Posts: 247

    I have had an ARE on my truck for 3 years. Only complaint is that the sliding window leaks around the seals. Had a Unicover on the previous pickup that never had an issue.
    Will always have 1 Windoor and a slider so the dog will stay cool if she is in the back.

    Cullen McIntyre
    Posts: 6

    March 30, 2019 at 10:48 am
    My recommendation is to pay extra for the single center window latch. I see these guys with these brand new trucks and toppers and were too cheap to opt for this. So it’s annoying to have to use the left and right knobs to open and lock the hatch.

    The single center lock is standard. You pay extra for the double locks. I went with the double locks and will so on every topper for the rest of my life. My first ARE with the single lock was broken into too easily. You pull the window out from the center lock, it bends out just far enough and can drop the tailgate. Granted, newer trucks have their own tailgate lock but my 2014 Chevy hasn’t worked in years! A grand or so in tools later I will never go back to the single center lock. They have thin rods that “lock” the window to the edges of your topper versus the double lock where it locks directly to the topper from the backside of the lock. No cheap thin rods to protect what’s inside your topper. Just something that might help you from waking up and looking out the window wondering why your tailgate is down. Then to find out most of your tools and fishing rods are gone. Best $25 you can spend on a $2k topper.

    FYI Get the rope lights. Awesome in the winter time ice fishing or early mornings at the jobsite.

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