April Fools: 75 Fish Day

  • markdahlquist
    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 276

    Took the day off and fished. My son Matthew’s 4th birthday today too. Left the house 7:30 and on the water by 8:30. Fished 385th on the lower Rush and had good luck right off the bat with spinnners.

    Pool by the culvert running into the water is allegedly good. I did not get one to bite but sure nice looking.

    My best of the day, a fat 15″ fish.

    Fatty hit in the fast water. Finally fish are getting aggressive

    Me likey spinner.

    Sweet underwater shot.

    Well over half of the 75 fish slipped out of my hand before I could take a photo.

    Ahh German brown, I love you.

    So about 11am my luck ran out with the spinners. My luck actually went into overdrive once I changed to plastic worms. Berkley trout worms on# #6 hooks. Notice the log. You will see I am taking one fish after the next every single cast with plastic worm. It was surreal.

    See the log? I literally sat on my knees next to it and drifted plastic worm over and over and over again. I was amazed. It was as if the well never went dry. I sat her catching one fish after another for ONE HOUR.

    Next pool up, same thing. El plastic wormo is delicioso.

    Now it is 1:30 and I am hungry. I cut through the farmer’s field and start hoofing it back to my car. I’m a half mile down the road, not a single car drives in either direction. Finally a suburban is driving my way, I put up my thumbs up hitching sign. Driving he passes yet then brakes. Driver informs me, “Sorry, we have a full load.” I look wife in passenger, 3 1/2 year old behind the driver. The suburban is all full of stuff. “Can I hold on? I am only a mile or so up the road.” So I held onto the rack on top of the suburban and stood on the running boards, flying by at about 40+ mph. A quick jaunt back to my car. I thanked the family and was off in my car.

    Next stop, Pine Creek, just south of Maiden Rock. Lots of bikers at the bar in town. Perfect day for a ride along the river valley. So my fly rod still has the pink squirrel. I pull up at Co Aa and there are three cars at the bride. Turns out it is just old folks walking around looking at the stuff. Then son-in-law is farting around with a fly rod. Right of trhe bat the little brookies chomp down. They are so dumb and stupid. Yet so beautiful. I feel like a genius with a fly rod yet in my mind know they are the easiest of trout to catch.

    Love the plunge pools. This HI work was nice. Lots of plunge pools and root balls.

    Cute little fart.

    More plunge pools. So easy to fool these stupid little brookies.

    So I could take pictures one after the other but what is the point. All of these fish where under 6.” I did not see any. But I did have a blast fly fishing! Got the itch to do more. I love the active casting part of it. Always mending, adjusting for the wind, etc.

    Last photo for the report.

    75 fish day. April Fools? This is no joke!

    Advice: 7-11 spinners. Fast and slow water.

    After 11 am switch to plastic worms or find a brookie stream because they will eat anything and they are beautiful.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I had the itch to go trout fishing before, now I am going stir crazy.
    Thanks for the report,


    Posts: 470

    Those are some amazingingly great photos! What kind of camera if you don’t mind me asking???

    Love the colors on those fish, love the lack of other fisherman even better! Looks like a great day.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Man….Hands dpwn the best post I’ve seen anywhere for a long time beautiful, thanks (really I mean it)) for sharing.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 276

    Hey glad you liked the post and photos. I use a Panisonic TSR1. It us shockproof and waterproof. Tons of options. Different electronic filters. Yesterday I used a filter called vivid. Or guy at Pine upstream but nobody on the lower Rush bridges I fished.

    Honestly this is my second time trying plastic worms for trout. First time was on Hay in January and fish were inactive. Well it was 84 yesterday when I left. Advice is spinners sunrise to 11am. Then try plastic worms (real bait allowed in MN for preseason) or switch to flies. BWOs popping off around 11:30.

    Posts: 2385

    fishing Petting Zoos for brookies I see Mark.
    I don’t do HI

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 276


    fishing Petting Zoos for brookies I see Mark.
    I don’t do HI

    I felt like I was at a mini-golf course / aquarium. Tons of brookies but all were minnow sized as you can see. It was fun though. It revitalized my interest in fly fishing. Afterwards I drifted nymphs upstream of 450th on the Rush near Lost Creek. No takers but it sure was fun getting some nice drifts in the pocket water and deeper pools with big boulders on the left side.

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