This Morning

  • mhpeterson
    Posts: 2

    Great day to be out on the stream. The water has started to clear up, but was still murky enough to make it a little easier to sneak up on the fish. I started out at around 8am, but the fishing seemed to pick up as the morning went on. I fished a section pretty thoroughly moving upstream and was actually able to pull fish out of a few spots I had already fished earlier in the morning as I was making my walk back downstream to the car. The trout seemed more aggressive than they were during the opening weekend. Here are the few pics I managed to take.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 276

    Goo lookin fish. Can hardly wait to fish WI this weekend! Glad to hear streams are clearing up and fish getting more agressive.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 276

    High of 63 today. Overnight down to 28. Then high of 43 next few days. 20 degree drop will influence trout behavior, hatches etc.
    Get out and fish today if possibe. I have to work. Bet Len goes fishing. Mid-mornings through afternoons best.

    If the air temp drops 20. Hoe many degrees will water temp drop? Enough to shut off feeding? Waiting on Jay Thursron’s book still.

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