Finally, a seminar I would actually like to go to.
I taught shop for 3 years out of college then got jerked around because I was up for tenure (which is a joke) and have got back to const. mgmt. I am due to renew my lic.
You guys would be suprsed at how pathetic these seminars are. Most are about “how to make kide feel special and accepting differinces” or “how to get Johnny to qualify for special needs funding.”
Funny how none are “keep these lazy students from getting fatter” Just look at how childern are acting and how a teacher can do noting to controll behavior or punish a student. As soon as you do mommy is on your Azz. What this country is coming to is… Im done , just getting mad. But there need to be some big changes and ppl need to put their foot down because it IS ruining our society.
Dont get me wrong Some kids are great too.
Len, I will have to look into this seminar. -Mark