April 2nd trout fishing…see for yourself…!!!!

  • cade-laufenberg
    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Yesterday was an awesome day!: I started out the day with my good friend Nick davis and we started at the lower end of the trout stream at about 1 o’ clock. We saw a ton of nice size browns and a few brook trout at the beginning but nothing really got going until we made are way farther up the stream. Once we got up a few holes past where we started, we were able to get one small brown to hit, but it got off right at the edge. We worked our way down, looking for a trout pond that my friends dad had recommended. We looked all over the place but we couldnt find a single “pond.” we decided to turn around and start working our way back towards where we started. we ended up picking up four nice size fish: 3 brook trout and one brown, all taken on a bucktail spinner. on our way back, we found the pond……Right away we noticed many bluegills swimming around and i managed to catch 4 of those and nick caught 2. WE were about ready to go, when i put on a crankbait and threw it out there. I saw a huge mouth come and nail the thing and was in for a battle for a good while. Finally, we got the fish in, and it turned out to be a 20 inch BROOK trout.thats right- a brook trout…and it was enormous. i will have more details later on.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    I hit the Kinni yesterday afternoon and was pleasantly suprised. In a short time I landed 5 decent browns. Nothing huge but no tiny ones either. Biggest was about 14. I definitely took the right rod. My 4″6′ HMG made the fights interesting.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    thats pretty cool….what did you catch them on?I caught my monster on a small bommer suspending crankbait
    we caught 4 in the stream by my house, including 3 brookies and 1 brown. All of the fish were around 13 inches or so. WE also noticed a lot of fish darting up the stream in front of us, and it was tuff to get them all to bite. YOu could only catch maybe one, if that out of each hole, but once you caught one….maybe two, the rest of the fish would be scattered out of the area.

    I went out again today…MONDAY and hit the same spot. this place is a true hot spot! I managed to get an 18 inch brown on the same crankbait that i caught my brookie on. The fish put up a great fight and then we took the picture of the fish and of course let it go. I also caught a small brook trout in the stream on a green and orange polca dotted spinner. it was a great time and i cant wait to get the film developed!

    Lancaster, WI
    Posts: 483

    bigfish, congrats on the big trout. A 20 inch brookie is definitely a trophy. And the 18 inch brown will bend the pole pretty good too. Is the crankbait your using a minnow style or one of the short fat ones? I’m currently using NO.9 floating rapalas but I also use Rebel Wee Craws when the water gets a little warmer.

    I made it out this weekend too. Saturday was a bust with only one small trout caught. On Sunday the fish cooperated more, I ended up with 6 fish with the biggest being 14 inches. My buddy fishing with me did land an 18 inch brown though. Fish came on a variety of lures, spinners and raps mostly. Like you once you caught one or two fish out of a hole or riffle it seemed like the fish would shut down.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    I went out again yesterday, but we couldnt really get much going. Ended up with one small brook, but two other fish that came right up close to me but ended up getting off: they were a brook and a teeny tiny little brown. IM gonna take a break for a while, maybe go for some panfish……

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