Yesterday was an awesome day!: I started out the day with my good friend Nick davis and we started at the lower end of the trout stream at about 1 o’ clock. We saw a ton of nice size browns and a few brook trout at the beginning but nothing really got going until we made are way farther up the stream. Once we got up a few holes past where we started, we were able to get one small brown to hit, but it got off right at the edge. We worked our way down, looking for a trout pond that my friends dad had recommended. We looked all over the place but we couldnt find a single “pond.” we decided to turn around and start working our way back towards where we started. we ended up picking up four nice size fish: 3 brook trout and one brown, all taken on a bucktail spinner. on our way back, we found the pond……Right away we noticed many bluegills swimming around and i managed to catch 4 of those and nick caught 2. WE were about ready to go, when i put on a crankbait and threw it out there. I saw a huge mouth come and nail the thing and was in for a battle for a good while. Finally, we got the fish in, and it turned out to be a 20 inch BROOK trout.thats right- a brook trout…and it was enormous. i will have more details later on.
April 4, 2005 at 1:43 am