Trouble shooting Rectifier, Stator, or Coil?

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13888

    Ok, I’m about to waive the white flag on this. Yamaha P150TLRP

    So, long story short is my engine quit producing power for spark and charging the battery. At WOT, I was able to get it up to about 9V. But then it went down hill and eventually quit as the battery went dead.

    After pulling up the specs to test everything, the OHMs is super low on everything. The rectifier, coil, CDI Stator are all less than 50% of spec. Is it common if one goes, they all go out?? After looking up parts, I see I need to crap out some gold bricks. Hate to foolishly waste so much money on needlessly replacing parts. Any suggestions on a better way to identify which needs to be replaced besides an OHM test??

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Good question. On my Honda I believe my rectifier is out, pretty easy test for that if it is a 4 wire on you tube. I think you will have 2 separate windings under the flywheel, 1 for charging and 1 for ignition. My honda just uses the 1 winding and a rectifier for charging. This isn’t much help but good luck.

    Posts: 3911

    not uncommon for a rectifier to go out and cause the stator to overheat and shoot craps as well.
    hook up your meter to your stator wires on the AC setting,with a fully charged battery spin the motor over,going from memory the meter should be showing at least 20 something volts,any less and its weak/bad.
    it sticks in my head that it should read 28-32 volts,dont hold me to that please.

    I know some motors years ago would shuck the magnets in the flywheel but that usually resulted in the motor becoming locked up with the debris under the flywheel or a fire started and a lot of noise as you can imagine.

    Posts: 3911

    Randy,this is one of the suppliers I buy from,they have an online troubleshooting guide,Yamaha starts on page 132.
    you can download the guide as it is a pdf file or you can flip through the pages online,good luck !!!
    by the way,how are you and Ruger doing??

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