Trouble in Kenosha

  • Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Give me any 2 posters here and I bet we can keep someone down, or at least tackle them from behind when they’re walking away disobeying and not even looking.

    Im a small guy, 5’7″ 130lbs and I’ll take your bet. Last time somebody tried, (fun at work) it took 5 grown men to get my head in a mop bucket! They were quite surprised and I bet you’d be too if you were in those officer’s shoes.
    Not everyone is a push over and police know that. Going after someone in the manner which you seem to think is easy could be the last thing that father, mother, husband, wife, friend, and police officer does. Especially when facing a dangerous felon with a violent past.

    Exactly grubson.

    Such engagements are often highly unpredictable and extremely dangerous.

    And add to that the potential for the officers gun to somehow find it’s way into the perpetrators possession during the ensuing scuffle. It’s happened many times before and the cops aren’t going to disarm themselves before they go in for the tackle.

    Central MN
    Posts: 184

    That was my original point, If 3 policemen cant control 1 guy, they are in the wrong job.

    Maybe the reason 3 policemen can’t is the mayors and police chiefs who won’t let them do what needs to be done to control them for fear of brutality lawsuits, so instead end up with split second panic shooting as last resort? Who the heck would want to be a cop nowadays???

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    My guess is this post will get zapped soon. Starting to read like a dagger match between drunken idiots. Nothing wrong with being passionate in your beliefs, but let’s not belittle each other.

    So provided the images of the knife in his hand Are real, makes for Some very different circumstances

    Felony warrant
    Domestic violence call
    Failed taser
    He has a knife
    Continues to Resist
    Possibly an act of desperation, attempts to get in his car to leave with a drawn weapon and again potentially a hostage situation with his 3 kids.

    Hell of a lot to process and make a life altering call on in seconds. We can all talk all the smack we want. Ultimately it was this officer’s training, experience, and judgement on what to do. There is a process ongoing to investigate all the facts and make a final determination of his actions. Officers know each day they could be the one that has to make the call, and they have to be right- there are consequences for being wrong. Yet they get up and do their jobs. Are there a few POS cops out there- hell yes. But the majority are great people applying training, experience, common sense, and compassion.

    As for tackling a man with a knife, you nuts. Your about 100% chance your getting cut/stabbed. Get real about the what ifs

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    s for tackling a man with a knife, you nuts. Your about 100% chance your getting cut/stabbed. Get real about the what ifs

    I thought the same thing when that mob of rioters tried to tackle the guy with the AR rifle. Not very smart

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    Thanks you Randy again for shedding the light on this. To many tough guys on there keyboards that would probably end up in the fetal position sucking there thumb if they were in any of these situations.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    As for tackling a man with a knife, you nuts. Your about 100% chance your getting cut/stabbed. Get real about the what ifs

    Even if he didn’t have a knife, a wrestling match on the pavement gives him opportunity to “borrow” your gun and use it against you.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    Yep. Dont think anyone could argue it would not of been difficult to tackle the guy. Its what happens next that is very unpredictable.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    The mods have let this go so far, and it holds a lot of emotions for all of us. United – that common bond amongst us all. I would like to believe we all have a compassion side for understanding. Our views differ greatly, and that’s great. Would hate to think of having a clone out there. We just can’t give into belittling each other or we become part of the problem.

    I Dislike southeast WI for many reasons. But my childhood experiences were there and Racine/Kenosha has a lot of memories for me- both good and bad. Just eats at me to know we are going backwards in so many ways and so many innocent people are negatively impacted by the actions of a few. Like MLps, this will be forever a scar. A disgusting reminder of how sick some people are, how we rush to judge, how we make assumptions, how we don’t unite

    How we fail

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    A bit ironic to the location of this. Nearly 45 years ago I was knocked off my bicycle by a drugged up asshole in a passing car. Case of mistaken identity. They thought I “was the white dude that sold them bad pot”. Got the crap beaten out of me and a knife ran through my arm. Just mm away from main artery.
    I saw people looking through their windows, a passing car and yet no witnesses. Not one person would give a statement to the cops or help me. Like the scars, they are fading. Each year they are less distinct. Not so much the actual scars, but hanging onto any resist views. Probably the one event in my life that makes me want to help people. Sure would have been a hell of a lot easier to be a cold hearted prick

    1. 67E30155-ECC7-410E-A572-51ABFE7BA6D3.jpeg

    2. EC0FCF10-64D9-4AF2-BD84-16A51AD0276E.jpeg

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    That’s quite a story Randy

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    That’s quite a story Randy

    Was asked in a pm why I was so personally involved with this. I normally don’t get into these threads and avoid them. Well, now everyone knows.
    It’s easy to be racist, easy to hold a grudge. Takes work to remain compassionate and understanding. Took me way too many years

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    It’s easy to be racist, easy to hold a grudge. Takes work to remain compassionate and understanding.


    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5151

    Crap, I got sucked in.

    Don, look up the video photoed below. This is Just to make you and cat aware what we see on news. Just in case you don’t get it there. I have no opinion. Just answering the narrative above.

    This is front of my house from a few weekends ago. I also have a full video. I just sent our daughter inside and left it alone. Believe it’s the same protest. 10 or so guys with AR’s. I have no opinions on this anymore.

    1. 94827072-E319-4C75-B1EF-C80E6DF8BF00.png

    Jim in Wisconsin
    Posts: 64

    Randy, I grew up 25 miles from Kenosha. I recall that it wasn’t good to be the only white guy in a black area, but I never had any problems. Because I never went there.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Kenosha wasn’t that bad of a town back then. We fished the harbor from shore all night for years. Other than one bad incident I had with a doped up group of shitheads, never had safety issues

    Posts: 1695

    The Kenosha beaches back in the mid 70’s were pretty interesting.

    Posts: 2218

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>buschman wrote:</div>
    Crap, I got sucked in.

    Don, look up the video photoed below. This is Just to make you and cat aware what we see on news. Just in case you don’t get it there. I have no opinion. Just answering the narrative above.

    This is front of my house from a few weekends ago. I also have a full video. I just sent our daughter inside and left it alone. Believe it’s the same protest. 10 or so guys with AR’s. I have no opinions on this anymore.

    If anyone is looking too move out of that kind of crap, PM me. We have our house over looking the Mississippi river in Buffalo county wi for sale. Not with a realtor yet. It’ll be with a realator in 7 days though.

    No way would I live in that atmosphere. That’s unreal. People don’t know what they are missing living rural America. toast

    Jim in Wisconsin
    Posts: 64

    I’m thinking that before the salmon stocking took hold that in the late sixties and early seventies the Kenosha beaches had the delicate, slightly fishy odor of TONS OF DEAD ALEWIVES. That must have been about the time American Motors gave it up.

    Kenosha wasn’t that bad of a town back then. We fished the harbor from shore all night for years. Other than one bad incident I had with a doped up group of shitheads, never had safety issues

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    You know what’s scary about this pic Matt, other than the obvious? The little girl by the blue car across the street.

    Strange days indeed.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    Matt who were those guys with? BLM?? what were they chanting??

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    You know what’s scary about this pic Matt, other than the obvious?

    What’s the obvious? ???

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Snap wrote:</div>
    A better question would for those people in support violence against peaceful people, why aren’t you suiting up?

    people burning down cities and destroying everything are peaceful people?

    In her work, Flournoy references a Los Angeles Times article from 1965. “The rioters were burning the city now,” it reads, “as the insane sometimes mutilate themselves.”

    “For those who wish this would all go away,” says University of Michigan’s Thompson, riot might seem like just the word they’re looking for. “They would rather focus on the minority incidents where things have gotten particularly chaotic,” she says, “as a way to dismiss it.” People have looted stores and broken windows and set fires. But the vast majority of protests have been peaceful.

    Compared to riot, a word like uprising or rebellion does more to suggest a struggle for justice, a warranted response to oppression, an attempt to demand change outside a system that has failed to yield it. Labeling the George Floyd protests as riots capitalizes on the fact that “people have an easier time digesting frames of black criminality than black freedom,” says Nikki Jones, a professor of African American Studies at Berkeley. It helps push away the notion that a passive observer might be complicit in anything by being passive. It also gives cover to those who might use harsh tactics to bring the unrest to an end.

    In his speech, Trump referenced peaceful protesters but suggested that America was in the grips of an “angry mob.” He cast the people in the streets as “looters, criminals, rioters” who were committing “acts of domestic terror” and vowed to bring “law and order.”

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    In his speech, Trump referenced peaceful protesters but suggested that America was in the grips of an “angry mob.” He cast the people in the streets as “looters, criminals, rioters” who were committing “acts of domestic terror” and vowed to bring “law and order.”

    No he casts the looters and rioters as a angry mob and domestic terrorists.
    Just as he says the peacful protesters or just that, peacful protesters.
    Pretty hard to argue with that.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5151

    Matt who were those guys with? BLM?? what were they chanting??

    It was a BLM protest from about a month ago. Probably 500 people or so marched from mall of America to the site George Floyd was killed.

    It was alarming to see but I put it in the same category as gun rights advocates open carrying in retail stores. The only reason people do this kind of stuff is to provoke and get a reaction. It doesn’t help causes, it hurts them.

    I see both sides of the race issues we are facing. People of color are fed up with police brutality. That’s fair and we know, especially in MPLS, there have been issues with the police department. However, to condemn all police and try to defund them is not the answer. What politicians on both sides have done to exacerbate the issues is inexcusable.

    I don’t know when common sense will prevail in all of this but I hope it will soon.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Common sense & respect have all left this country.

    Posts: 5307

    Common sense & respect have all left this country.

    No it hasn’t, only in big cities where progressives rule. Funny, thought I was more of a progressive honestly, its why I moved into the city, but then, well, I moved into the city….

    Moen, that looks to be another “protective group” on a photo shoot. There are “artivists” (art activist) who get these POC militias together who supposedly protect their communities and take photo shoots. Idk how it is over south, but they did this over Northside as well, and to be honest when sh!t was going down these militias simply weren’t there, at least where I was and knew about, they patrolled one grocery store and Broadway(which was mostly F’ed at that point anyways). It’s writing history how they want to see it, brought it up on a FB group once and the artivist said well yeah it was formed after and I just left it alone, at this point could care fuc*in less. Let em have pics to show their kids I guess, build pride in their communities.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5151

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dutchboy wrote:</div>
    Common sense & respect have all left this country.

    No it hasn’t, only in big cities where progressives rule. Funny, thought I was more of a progressive honestly, its why I moved into the city, but then, well, I moved into the city….

    Moen, that looks to be another “protective group” on a photo shoot. There are “artivists” (art activist) who get these POC militias together who supposedly protect their communities and take photo shoots. Idk how it is over south, but they did this over Northside as well, and to be honest when sh!t was going down these militias simply weren’t there, at least where I was and knew about, they patrolled one grocery store and Broadway(which was mostly F’ed at that point anyways). It’s writing history how they want to see it, brought it up on a FB group once and the artivist said well yeah it was formed after and I just left it alone, at this point could care fuc*in less. Let em have pics to show their kids I guess, build pride in their communities.

    It is a protective group but it wasn’t for a photo shoot. I have video of the entire protest – it was close to a block long. I talked to one of the gun guys and we were cordial. He said they were ptotecting peaceful protestors. I told him it doesn’t look too peaceful when you got a dozen guys with AR’s walking down Portland Ave. He just kinda shrugged.

    The psuedo media with them were worse….some guy wearing what looked like a fake press pass was trying to get pictures of our daughter through our fence. I rushed her inside and had a bit of an altercation with him to get him to delete the pics. We don’t allow pics of our daughter on social media and he was taking pics on private property.

    Posts: 5307

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mr.Beads wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dutchboy wrote:</div>
    Common sense & respect have all left this country.

    No it hasn’t, only in big cities where progressives rule. Funny, thought I was more of a progressive honestly, its why I moved into the city, but then, well, I moved into the city….

    Moen, that looks to be another “protective group” on a photo shoot. There are “artivists” (art activist) who get these POC militias together who supposedly protect their communities and take photo shoots. Idk how it is over south, but they did this over Northside as well, and to be honest when sh!t was going down these militias simply weren’t there, at least where I was and knew about, they patrolled one grocery store and Broadway(which was mostly F’ed at that point anyways). It’s writing history how they want to see it, brought it up on a FB group once and the artivist said well yeah it was formed after and I just left it alone, at this point could care fuc*in less. Let em have pics to show their kids I guess, build pride in their communities.

    It is a protective group but it wasn’t for a photo shoot. I have video of the entire protest – it was close to a block long. I talked to one of the gun guys and we were cordial. He said they were ptotecting peaceful protestors. I told him it doesn’t look too peaceful when you got a dozen guys with AR’s walking down Portland Ave. He just kinda shrugged.

    The psuedo media with them were worse….some guy wearing what looked like a fake press pass was trying to get pictures of our daughter through our fence. I rushed her inside and had a bit of an altercation with him to get him to delete the pics. We don’t allow pics of our daughter on social media and he was taking pics on private property.

    Good to know. Interesting times.

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