Trouble in Kenosha

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I dont understand why no one listens to any police ever either.
    But why 9 shots direct to his back. Im asking if thats procedure or itchy trigger finger?
    Either way the dude should have just complied

    Angler II
    Posts: 538

    Hell, there were 2 cops, grab him throw him to the ground, cuff him. Hell no ,let him get to the car and pump 7 rounds in his back, people assume everyone is stable and sane. If not do they deserve that? My way of thinking that gun on the hip should be a last resort. MY 2 cents

    You go tackle a guy with a knife. See how it works out..

    Posts: 1811

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>catmando wrote:</div>
    Hell, there were 2 cops, grab him throw him to the ground, cuff him. Hell no ,let him get to the car and pump 7 rounds in his back, people assume everyone is stable and sane. If not do they deserve that? My way of thinking that gun on the hip should be a last resort. MY 2 cents

    In that case how do they know someone else would not jump in the fight? Frim the yelling and screaming in the video it did not seem real pro law enforcement.

    Next why should the police be required to enter into a fight for their lives? Even 2 on 1 does not insure a good outcome for the officers. This kind of thinking would mean everyone of our officers would need to be the best fighters on the planet. And even with that they still better have luck on their sides.

    I accept a dead criminal any day over a dead police officer.

    That’s the problem right there You accept a dead crimanal, innocent until proven guilty, or until I deem you should not breathe. Face it some policeman are to weak to be in their profession

    Posts: 4800

    Face it some policeman are to weak to be in their profession


    Posts: 1811

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>catmando wrote:</div>
    Hell, there were 2 cops, grab him throw him to the ground, cuff him. Hell no ,let him get to the car and pump 7 rounds in his back, people assume everyone is stable and sane. If not do they deserve that? My way of thinking that gun on the hip should be a last resort. MY 2 cents

    You go tackle a guy with a knife. See how it works out..

    I have not read one dang thing about a knife, making up a situation is just plain crazy!

    Tom Albrecht
    Eau Claire
    Posts: 547

    Hell, there were 2 cops, grab him throw him to the ground, cuff him. Hell no ,let him get to the car and pump 7 rounds in his back, people assume everyone is stable and sane. If not do they deserve that? My way of thinking that gun on the hip should be a last resort. MY 2 cents

    Are you willing to tackle someone with a knife? Specifically a sex offender who has a record of resisting arrest and didn’t go down when hit with a taser?

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mike W wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>catmando wrote:</div>
    Hell, there were 2 cops, grab him throw him to the ground, cuff him. Hell no ,let him get to the car and pump 7 rounds in his back, people assume everyone is stable and sane. If not do they deserve that? My way of thinking that gun on the hip should be a last resort. MY 2 cents

    In that case how do they know someone else would not jump in the fight? Frim the yelling and screaming in the video it did not seem real pro law enforcement.

    Next why should the police be required to enter into a fight for their lives? Even 2 on 1 does not insure a good outcome for the officers. This kind of thinking would mean everyone of our officers would need to be the best fighters on the planet. And even with that they still better have luck on their sides.

    I accept a dead criminal any day over a dead police officer.

    That’s the problem right there You accept a dead crimanal, innocent until proven guilty, or until I deem you should not breathe. Face it some policeman are to weak to be in their profession

    Warrant out for his arrest. Criminal record. Record of violence, weapons, aggression towards police. That all sounds criminal to me.

    Here are a couple more snappy sayings. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

    You reap what you sow.

    Posts: 1811

    Yes sir, let’s forgo arresting,just fill them full of lead Hell who needs the court system. Go ahead and post, done with this thread.

    Posts: 264

    It’s possible that some don’t understand why other people no longer listen to police officers is because they’ve experienced very different encounters with police offers.

    I would argue that every person has their own “tipping point” where they personally would stop obeying commands from the authorities. Some people have already hit it.

    To the people who say “just follow the law”. This is objectively impossible. Laws have been accumulating for 200 years. There are more than 3.5 million words in the tax code alone. My one little local township has 64 pages of ordinances. There’s good research that shows the average person commits three felonies a day. You cannot “follow the law” when it is impossible to know what all the laws are.

    Which brings us to what I believe is the fundamental problem. We are taught from a young age that it is a virtue to make your voice heard and to improve society via government. We view advocating for and enacting new laws, regulations, ordinances, building codes, etc as one of the greatest things a citizen can do. Common sense rules for all! What we don’t teach is that those laws, every single one of them, are enforced with threats and violence. Overwhelming violence. We are a people who believe it is a GOOD THING to impose our opinions on others via the force of government. We are no longer a people content to live and let live. Whether you like to think about it or not, the police are put in the position to be he violent enforcers of those opinions. And they MUST enforce. They are trained to escalate in situations where any normal, rational person would try to de-escalate. Because if they don’t escalate then law is meaningless.

    You want police to be respected? You wan’t more police to come home? Stop advocating for an ever increasing number of laws for them to enforce.

    You want to live in a peaceful world? Then be peaceful.

    Ahren Wagner
    Northern ND-MN
    Posts: 410

    Nothing says BLM like burning down a city

    Posts: 141

    Thugs get slugs! As in the movie “LIAR LIAR” quit breaking the law as*hole! These individuals getting shot aren’t bringing a positive aspect to anything. You have a dog that doesn’t listen and is a threat you put it down. This isn’t any different.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I have not read one dang thing about a knife, making up a situation is just plain crazy!

    After watching the video, I can’t see a knife either. However, just because I can’t see it in the video, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. More than one of the cops told him to “drop the knife” and I highly doubt they would command that twice if they didn’t see him holding one.

    You don’t tell someone to drop a bat if they aren’t holding one. And you don’t tell someone to drop a knife if they don’t have one. Just my personal observation.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    I just read the packers made a statement on this, stick to playing football, why do pro sports have to take a political stance?? Just proves that half the players are thugs in my opinion!!

    Angler II
    Posts: 538

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Angler II wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>catmando wrote:</div>
    Hell, there were 2 cops, grab him throw him to the ground, cuff him. Hell no ,let him get to the car and pump 7 rounds in his back, people assume everyone is stable and sane. If not do they deserve that? My way of thinking that gun on the hip should be a last resort. MY 2 cents

    You go tackle a guy with a knife. See how it works out..

    I have not read one dang thing about a knife, making up a situation is just plain crazy!

    The officer yelling drop the knife several times would indicate that he had a knife….

    critter 1
    Posts: 127

    Too many me jerk reactions to the video. Let the investigation play out. Did he have a gun or weapon in his waistband he kept going to? Weapon in the vehicle he was going for? What was his involvemnt in the domestic? Was he subject to mandatory arrest as a primary agressor? If so you can’t let him walk. After 31 years of law enforcement all of this makes me sick, Bad shoot? We won’t know until investigation is complete. Until that happens politics are just making it worse.

    critter 1
    Posts: 127

    And due process went out the window somewhere the last few years

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    And due process went out the window somewhere the last few years

    Due process is served on site when people becomes a threat correct ?.

    Not that I’m saying this guy was or was not a threat but in other cases. Like Atlanta when guy is shooting a tazer or anything else at the police. Being killed is due process.

    Posts: 12741

    There’s good research that shows the average person commits three felonies a day. You cannot “follow the law” when it is impossible to know what all the laws are.

    Sorry but I think this statement is BS. Or maybe I’m not an average person.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Too many me jerk reactions to the video. Let the investigation play out. Did he have a gun or weapon in his waistband he kept going to? Weapon in the vehicle he was going for? What was his involvemnt in the domestic? Was he subject to mandatory arrest as a primary agressor? If so you can’t let him walk. After 31 years of law enforcement all of this makes me sick, Bad shoot? We won’t know until investigation is complete. Until that happens politics are just making it worse.

    I would say it’s pretty good shooting….7 rounds and he is still alive.

    I’ll wait for more info please.

    critter 1
    Posts: 127

    Polices shooting is a homicide until a prosecutor rules it justifiable. That is due process like any criminal or civil case. Rule of law not rule of the media or social media like we see now

    Tim Chrouser
    Posts: 90

    One thing we are overlooking…from mid September to mid October the harbor in Kenosha is PACKED with huge King Salmon, Brown Trout, and Steelhead. Several years ago I caught 5 – 20lbs plus fish from SHORE on a 5/8 oz. glow rattle trap. Dudes line the rip rap throwing big crank baits and spoons, and others soak skein and other bait. Schools of fish boiling and jumping all over. Night fishing is the best with glow in the dark lures and spoons. Stop at a local bait shop and they’ll line you up.
    When I go nowadays I take boat to avoid the traffic on the bank. Hardly any other boats out there. If your ever stuck in SE WI in the fall…its the thing to do for guys like us.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 491

    It really embarrasses me to live in Wisconsin when our Governor makes statements fanning the flames before knowing the facts.

    Posts: 158

    I feel terrible that children were in the car. They will probably be scarred for life and grow up hating police as well.

    Thank you lindyrig for showing compassion. I counted 28 posts before your post without sympathy for the many people directly or indirectly impacted. I applaud you for your concern for others regardless of the situational specifics. I would put a big thumbs up emoji here if i knew how!

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    I live 10 minutes from where all this is happening… I’ll differ with Randy’s description – it is no worse that any other metropolitan area.

    I do not consider the area to be an excuse for not listening to the police. Too many laws had nothing to do with it. Those are poop excuses… the police have never knocked on my door, felt the need to pull out a gun because of my actions. I know many officers here and they are good people in a very tough job.

    No matter what, this guy could not be allowed in the care with kids…. to what drive away or worse? I will always stand w the police until they are “factually proven“ to have broken the law.

    I am very pissed that our governor and the jerk of lt governor Who are both essentially coming out in support of this criminal and almost encouraging these riots that are taking place. Shame on them as much as the animals that are coming here and burning livelihoods and destroying what we’re beautiful public buildings. For them, I fully support shoot them on site (a lot of rubber bullets)and put an end to rioting. Protesting is not rioting.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>lindyrig79 wrote:</div>
    I feel terrible that children were in the car. They will probably be scarred for life and grow up hating police as well.

    Thank you lindyrig for showing compassion. I counted 28 posts before your post without sympathy for the many people directly or indirectly impacted. I applaud you for your concern for others regardless of the situational specifics. I would put a big thumbs up emoji here if i knew how!

    I feel sympathy for the children in the car, and also the child that he touched inappropriately enough to get 3rd degree sex chages against him.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    I know when and if i ever have a interaction with the police, I’m going to do what is asked of me and do so in a respectful manor. When I tell some people that they say why should you need to do that – This is the reason why you need to do that !!!

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    Well said as usual Randy. It is sad that this is how people are going to react to everytime something like this happens. Not saying it was justified but I would not want to be a cop in today’s world.

    Soon we are not going to need to worry that they may defund police dept’s. Soon there is not going to be anyone who wants to be a police officer. i people think things are bad now – Wait until that day arrives.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    It really embarrasses me to live in Wisconsin when our Governor makes statements fanning the flames before knowing the facts.

    Speaking of flames….

    Your Governor better call in the troops. Not just 125 to Kenosha. By tonight there will be all the hell raisers from around the country that burned down MPLS heading to and arriving in Madison.


    Posts: 427

    Thugs get slugs! As in the movie “LIAR LIAR” quit breaking the law as*hole! These individuals getting shot aren’t bringing a positive aspect to anything. You have a dog that doesn’t listen and is a threat you put it down. This isn’t any different.

    Just curious as in your mind a human life has the same value as a dog’s life, if your kid doesn’t listen and threatens and hits others, it is ok to “put them down”? Perspective my friend.

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