Trophy 185 vinyl cockpit floor coming unglued

  • Mr. Pike 81
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 216

    I have a 2018 185 trophy that after a trip to NW Angle in June the vinyl cockpit floor is coming unglued from the plywood and is wavy all over. Alumacraft said it is warranted for 3 years and mine is 4 years old. SOL in other words. Don’t really want to put vinyl back in and don’t want carpet. Has anyone put seadeck in. If so how is it lasting. Aqua Traction was 2400 just for cockpit! Ouch no way. Anyone else have this issue and if so what did you replace with.

    Posts: 4564

    $2400… Ouch I would just get the Vinyl repaired or replaced. Vinyl is glued down, so the wood top layer let loose or the glue job is to question. Should not be hard to get it fixed.

    Erik Swenson
    Posts: 535

    Sorry Mr. Pike. Watching…

    Have same year and make, but lucky so far with very few issues.

    Curious, you said this happened suddenly after 1 trip? I would think something like that would be gradual. Do you store in or outdoors? Regardless, too bad it had to surface after year 3.

    Mr. Pike 81
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 216

    Only stored indoors in heated garage. boat had less than 100 hours when I went to LOW. It was a fairly wet week (rained during the night several nights) and was docked in the marina. My buddy’s lund was there too with no problems. Go figure. Otherwise, I like the boat and have had no other problems.

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