Trollmaster Pro 2 wiring help needed–older dial adjustment unit

  • Mike Oleson
    Posts: 53

    Anyone here have this unit, or know about the wiring?
    I’ve had this unit a number of years, and it was working last year.
    It acts like its not getting power to the controller.
    There are three wires going into the control unit—a lighter green and black wire, and a larger round grey wire.
    Those two lighter wires are just hanging loose, with bare wire showing on each…..maybe they were wire nutted together???

    I have a power wire on a battery, that I have tagged as power to the Trollmaster—I’m assuming that goes to the controller , but haven’t tracked it back yet.
    That larger round wire MAY go back to the servo on the kicker….

    sure wish I could find the wiring instructions….any help appreciated.


    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1387

    Can you post photos of what you’re talking about? I don’t think there should be any wires hanging loose going into the controller, at least there aren’t on mine.

    Mike Oleson
    Posts: 53

    Thanks, K—Found he problem a few minutes ago, and came to the computer and found your note.
    Traced the power cord from batt, and found it had been broken off those two leads to the controller…hooked up the positive to green wire, neg to black, and it works as before….as usual, It seemed to be more than it was, but I hate standing on my head looking under the dash….even worse out on the water.

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