Trolling with optimax

  • Carl S
    Posts: 60

    I have a Lund predator 1810 with a 115 optimal pro xs. When I first got the boat I was mostly a muskie guy and ran wot most of the time spot to spot. This past year I started walleye fishing on the river more and have been doing a lot of trolling. I’ve noticed that the optimax starts to run rough with prolonged low speed trips. Any tips to keep an opti healthy when trolling? I run quickleen and use dfi oil. Put fresh plugs in but first trip out this year still seemed a little rough. Hopefully I can buy a kicker soon.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17355

    A Opti likes to be run hard. Hammer down and let her go for a while. You don’t mention the year but I know my Opti was real touchy when it came to spark plugs. The gaping needed to be perfect for it to run right.

    Posts: 3913

    I agree for the most part with Dutchboy,however,if most of what you are going to do on the river is troll,try stepping down a size or two with the props,this will let you run the engine at a higher rpm without the dreaded loading up.

    just remember not to over rev it with the smaller props.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I have an Opti luv the growl for trolling I have kicker but have spent hours and hours and hours idling using side imaging searching for fish and nary a problem. I do use a straight synthetic oil Amsoil HP. Mine has never been touchy about any thing stingy on fuel to boot.

    jarrod holbrook
    Posts: 179

    On Lake Erie we have all but given up on trolling with the main engine. It would be a wise investment to switch to a 9.9 kicker. The 36V terrova will give you a solid 6 hrs of trolling if that would get you by. A 115hp outboard is a $15k investment. A 9.9 is around $3k for a pro kicker. Big 2 strokes really hate idling all day. Probably not what you wanted to hear, but there is a reason you almost always see a kicker on a serious walleye rig.

    Posts: 333

    I troll muskies in the fall with mine (2006 ? 135 hp opti ) I had a scare late last fall when my motor suddenly stalled and would not start . Finally I checked the gas hose and noticed the primer bulb was empty . I pumped the ball and the motor started and ran fine . I asked my mechanic about it and was told the electronic fuel pump may be getting weak or a gasket leak , either way an easy fix if needed . He said the electrical fuel pump doesn’t get enough demand at slow speed and over a few hours the difference in consumption from the engine vs what the pump produces is slightly less and results in a dry fuel line . I was trolling slow all day when it happened.

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