Trolling shadow raps

  • Joe
    Posts: 29

    I pull husky jerks early season for eyes usually 4-10’ of water. They’ve always been good to me.
    Thinking about picking up some shadow raps. The ”deep” model shows they run 4-8’ like the HJ12s. They have a pretty big bill on them. Do they troll 4-8’? Deepest I’ll run to is 12-14′. Before I stock up on these was just curious if I should get the shallow or deep ones.

    Have any of you trolled shadow raps? are they comparable or better than husky jerks?

    Kentucky Boy 75
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 130

    It has only been on the market for about a month. Not sure if anyone has had a chance to get one wet or not.

    I’m thinking of getting the normal one for jerking in shallow water from shore starting this spring.


    They look a lot like the clackin’ minnows that they came out with a couple years earlier and I know those work really good for trolling. So I am sure that the shadow raps will work just as well especially in the early part of the season. I know the shadow raps will work really well casted up in the wee lines on Leech Lake for walleyes. That is what I am looking forward to trying with them.

    Western and Central, NY
    Posts: 440

    I get the idea they are primarly itended to be used as small jerk baits. However it might not hurt to try. Checkout the material at the web site

    Joe Zalewski
    Posts: 9

    I saw a show where Al Linder was trolling with them on a flat and they would pull there rod forward and let it drop back all the time when they were trolling trying to get a reaction bite or when the plug went back it fluttered and looked like a injured minnow. They did real well. He had on a silver with a pink back. I also should have added that Shadow raps have a looser wobble then the H-jerks where they are more tight wobble.

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