Trolling Rods and Rod Holders

  • Bartman
    Posts: 224

    I like to troll for muskies on big water. Recently picked up a couple Headlocks. Up to now have trolled 8 and 10 inch Jakes. Do I need to beef up my rods and rod holders to pull these larger baits? I am currently using Fenwick 8.5 foot, heavy action, two piece trolling rods in Scotty rod holders. The rod holders are rail mounted.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    If your drag works as it should I think you can make due with what your are using. Unless you want an excuse to buy more stuff.

    Posts: 224

    Guilty as charged! Always looking for an excuse…

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    short story: yes.

    long story: a properly adjusted drag means it’s light enough to give under the pressure of a fish or a snag, but tight enough so that the lure itself doesn’t take out line. that means the “pull” of the running lure is transferred to your rod and rod holder, and a bait like a Headlock will absolutely load these up way more than a Jake.

    we’ve put in endless hours over the last 10+ years trolling with these kinds of baits, so for us the investment in higher quality equipment has been more than worth it. if i was trolling only a couple times every season i might approach it differently.

    rod holders get a lot of sideways or twisting pressure on height extensions and/or the locking connection point. in my experience, the Scotty rod holders will fail under this pressure from heavy-pulling muskie lures and are a lost rod just waiting to happen. i use Folbe for this reason. they are expensive, but worth every penny in adjustability, ease of use, and durability. (many people swear by Down East Salty holders, but i find them more difficult to operate.) if you stick with the Scotty, just do yourself a huge favor and get rod leashes.

    i also have different rods for different trolling uses. i have a rod with more moderate action for Jakes – i want it to load just enough that i can see the “swim” of the lure in the rod shake and movement. i have a much stouter rod with a faster action for my Headlocks, Mattlocks, Kirbys, etc. with the same goal, load up just enough that i can read the lure and still have plenty of give available for when a fish hits or the lure smacks a rock. if i put a Mattlock or Kirby on my Jake rod it will all but fully load the rod and take away the bounce and forgiveness. same thing the other way, if i put a Jake on my heavy rod it won’t load it enough to read the action easily.

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1560

    X2 on Folbe rod holders. I’ve been using them for over 10 years. You’ll never struggle to get your rod out of a holder again.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    X2 on Folbe rod holders. I’ve been using them for over 10 years. You’ll never struggle to get your rod out of a holder again.

    Or have one break off unless you hit a dock!

    X3 for the Folbe’s

    Since they are hard if not impossible to find around here, I’ve been known to have them drop shipped from the manufacturer to the customers home. < That is the only advertising I do.

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1560

    How did you know I took one off on a dock post? Ever since then, when my trip is over, the rod holder where I come into the dock is taken out. I won’t ever make that mistake again……

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17351

    I’m a Down East guy. I will admit they take some getting use to as far as operation goes.

    Posts: 224

    What brand and type of rod do you like for Headlocks etc.?????


    Posts: 224

    I looked at the Folbe holders on their website. They sure look a lot like the Scotty’s… are they made of stronger material?

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17351

    What brand and type of rod do you like for Headlocks etc.?????


    You made me go look. grin
    8’ St. Croix with 80# Power Pro spooled on a linecounter. Micheal is your guy for trolling Muskies. I would do whatever he says.

    1. EEF97CC4-2EF5-4968-8507-2F020943F65A-scaled.jpeg

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    4. 17CC8E4A-5EAF-42E2-9AA4-30D8D00C924C-scaled.jpeg

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17351

    Sorry I doubled up on the rod photo. sad

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    Never trolled for Muskies but have watched some Youtube videos man those rods and holders take a heck of a beating. Trolling 5+ MPH and have a big Musky hit WOW.

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    I looked at the Folbe holders on their website. They sure look a lot like the Scotty’s… are they made of stronger material?

    Yes, they have some sort of fiber reinforcing built into them. Much, much stronger than the standard plastic rod holders.

    What brand and type of rod do you like for Headlocks etc.

    The old St. Croix Premier Glass Musky shown above is a fine multi-use option, as is the Chaos Tackle Assault Stick trolling/live bait rod.
    I’m pretty brand agnostic, just need it to do what I’m looking for it to do. The softer rod I like for Jakes was built on a Lamiglas blank rod by Venture Custom Rods. The one I’m running for Headlocks is a custom build on a PacBay blank done up by Professional Edge for me.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    How did you know I took one off on a dock post?

    LOL! I know someone else that did the same thing. )

    Folbe’s are thicker that Scotty’s and don’t work in the same fashion. They were designed for Salmon in Washington State.

    It takes a little getting use to lifting your rod straight out of the holder when a person has been trained all their fishing life to lift out over the water, then up.

    One trip and you’ll be trained in. I speak that will some certainty as I guided with them and trained many many people.

    Posts: 248

    I’ve been using the scotty orca rod holders in the scotty locking bases without issues trolling mattlocks and other big baits. Disclaimer, the biggest muskie I’ve caught trolling is 43″. I already had the scotty bases for use with their standard powerlock rod holders i use walleye fishing so I didnt want to go to the folbes, but everyone i know with folbes likes them.

    Posts: 6687

    I like 1/2″ stainless strength.

    Driftmaster pro duo..
    Your boat will break first.

    If I want my rod tip in the water, down east salties.

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    Check the RECON Fishing Systems Cradle Holders. They come in variable riser sizes from 6″, 12″, 18″ and 24″. Easy out of the cradle when the rod is loaded up.

    i watched your video and poked around your website. these look like nice products from good people.

    for a walleye spread? sure thing. but the non-locking cradle rod holder shown above wouldn’t even be a consideration for me with Headlocks or other hard-pulling, rod-bouncing, erratic muskie lures like the OP asked about. i’ll stick with the security of a lockable design…maybe you could add a new design to your lineup?

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