Trolling Rod Recommendations

  • tegg
    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    I’m looking at getting a kayak trolling set up for Superior and am curious if there are any insights into a general trolling rod to start with. My thoughts are something that would handle a torpedo clip on weight (up to 12 oz) and likely a dipsy or planer board. Is there a good rod style that would handle all three setups? I would likely also add a different rod to run lead core.

    I’m thinking the clip on torpedo may be similar to a dipsy in application but I’ve never used them. The dipsy rods also seem to run a moderate to moderate fast action where as the downriggers can be moderate to slow action. Could one reasonably look to a moderate, medium weight rod to handle the different setups? Most rods in this category seem to fit into the 10-20# test line range. Would the torpedo warrant a medium heavy for the larger 8 & 12 oz torpedoes?

    Thanks for the input.

    Posts: 62

    All my dipsy rods are MH with moderate action With a mag dipsy they will put a good bend in even a MH rod. My dipsy rods are also usually longer, 9-9.5′ to account for leader length. Not sure how much fun that long of a rod will be to deal with in a kayak, but there are ways to use OR-16 clips with dipsys and also slide divers to eliminate the leader issue.

    With trolling rods, you don’t need to spend much money at all. I like the Shimano TDRs, they are a reasonable price and they have held up well for me. The Cabelas store brand trolling rods can be found cheap on sale, but I have broke a couple of those.

    Overall, I would think a medium heavy with moderate action rod would cover your needs well.

    Posts: 12547

    Agree with Benny. Dipsey Diver rods are pretty stiff. Those mag dipsey really torque the rod in a boat situation. Have not used a torpedo but have seen them and was intrigued. Been using slider divers more and more as you don’t have to mess with such long leaders and rod storage is easier. Rod quality is not nearly as important as reel quality. Never fished big water in a kayak so probably no help there, but it sounds like a blast.

    Mike Johnson
    Posts: 69

    I will second the shimano TDR. Like previously stated the reel will be more important.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3903

    Dipsey rods will be too heavy.
    Get shimano TDR rods in 8 to 9 feet with ML to Med power. They should cost $30 -35 each.
    Okuma Magdas in size 30, nothing fancy but will work many years on Superior size fish.
    Marine general in duluth.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    Thanks for the replies,

    I was thinking a mag dipsy may be a bit too much for kayak trolling. One of the benefits of the clip on torpedoes is they have low resistance for paddling. Realistically, deep water may not be a great application for the kayak. I have it in my mind this is going to be an earlier season top of the water column and/or shoreline affair for trout & coho. Lakers may be a bonus or situational. I’ve seen some Youtubes were they are catching fish while toplining.

    Of course with everything Covid availability is spotty. For the TDRs: FishUSA out, Thorne Bros out, etc.

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