Troll master pro 2 on yama 9,9 manufacture date of 7-12 help

  • mann4ducks
    Posts: 255

    a call for help
    I tried to install a tm 206 pro 2 on a 9.9 yama manufacture date of 7-2012. the supplied offset bracket is not wide enough to hit the 2 bolt holes. I can hit the back one but the bracket does not reach the front one at all so I cannot drill a new hole or elongate to make work. I have the remote throttle at helm. has anyone ever used just one hole/bolt to make work. Talked to tech and not really a lot of help, I need to send pics of issue, I guess that I have the only 9.9 with this config out there. the 206 kit has the new servo with the 2013 tall bracket and long bolts. I am leaving for the lake for tomorrow 5am so not a lot of time to get installed. any help appreciated .

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