Triple digits

  • BigWerm
    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    When one of the first things he did when he took office was inhibiting oil production, yes he does have control over it.

    Got any evidence to back that up cuz all I could find was this.

    So was there a moratorium? Was Keystone Permit pulled? Did Biden rejoin the Paris Accord? Do all of those things inhibit oil production?

    Permits are up, but production is down for 2021, but looks to rebound in 2022. Reasonable gas prices and energy independence isn’t (or shouldn’t be) a polarized issue, ALL Americans suffer when gas prices rise as drastically as they have. And we are less secure as a nation when we depend more on OPEC and Russian Oil.,in%20drilling%20activity%20related%20to%20low%20oil%20prices.

    FYI in 2020 we were a net exporter of oil for the first time since 1949, I will be happy to bet any amount that never happens again the next 3 years.,7%25%205%20Saudi%20Arabia%207%25%206%20Colombia%204%25

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Audubon was a terrible source I’ll admit. Should’ve used the AP article in the first place.

    The moratorium, keystone permits and Paris Accord are about the only thing liberals have to be happy with. He’s done nothing since. Will they affect future crude prices? Probably. It’s not affecting us much, if any, today.

    It was expected back in 2018 that we would become a net exporter due to an end to a 40 year ban on exporting oil.

    The trend of oil exports seems to be continuing in 2021.

    Posts: 5139

    “Got any evidence to back that up cuz all I could find was this.”

    I’ll admit I’m not paying as much attention anymore since the first few months and don’t have the time to go back and see what things may or may not have been actually implemented.

    However another huge factor that is causing the rise in prices is the absolute ridiculous inflation happening. Much of which is caused by our governments insane spending of trillions of dollars.

    Posts: 6631

    Few things hit American’s pocketbooks harder than rising energy costs.

    All of the “free money” in the world isn’t going to fix it.

    It trickles down and raises the cost of virtually everything.

    Good luck to everyone in the near and distant future. At this rate, it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets a lot better.

    Mike West
    Posts: 152

    Few things hit American’s pocketbooks harder than rising energy costs.

    All of the “free money” in the world isn’t going to fix it.

    It trickles down and raises the cost of virtually everything.

    Good luck to everyone in the near and distant future. At this rate, it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets a lot better.

    Bingo B-Man

    SE Metro
    Posts: 254

    Few things hit American’s pocketbooks harder than rising energy costs.

    All of the “free money” in the world isn’t going to fix it.

    It trickles down and raises the cost of virtually everything.

    Good luck to everyone in the near and distant future. At this rate, it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets a lot better.

    You got it…no faster track to a recession than 4 dollar a gallon gasoline.

    Brandon clearly skipped freshman Econ, that’s for sure.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Any one in Little Falls MN, look up the “Coburns Express” less than a block west from Thielen Meat market. Diesel was running 3.45ish and Coburns had it for 3.14 one week ago on the 21st!!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    And again

    1. 20211029_045325-scaled.jpg

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    Reckoning Day is soon approaching.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    One thing to understand about natural gas and crude prices is that when the prices drop as low as they were at the end of 2019 and throughout most of 2020, it significantly reduces drilling permits because it simply isn’t profitable to drill new wells and in some cases, wells were abandoned. This lead to a drop in manufacturing orders for new equipment. Some manufacturing companies depend heavily on this business.

    The manufacturing company I work for has been pretty heavy into the oil and gas industry for about the past 10 years. At our peak, probably 85% of our sales were to oil and gas companies. We’re nowhere near 85% now mainly because oil prices started slipping about 4 years ago. This caused a massive downturn in drilling and exploration, especially the subsea market, which lead to an almost standstill in manufacturing by the end of 2019. By late 2020 crude was rebounding due to increased demand and anecdotally orders from oil and gas companies started piling in again for us.

    It’s a volatile market and it doesn’t just mean that families suffer from high energy costs, wen prices fall, a lot of people lose jobs.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    It’s a volatile market and it doesn’t just mean that families suffer from high energy costs, wen prices fall, a lot of people lose jobs.

    While I do agree with this, there are A LOT more people that have to buy it than there are who work in the industry. When prices fall, it provides a much higher benefit to the greater good than it would if they rose. A perfect example is North Dakota’s oil boom. Yes, it provides people with a good paying job while it lasts and provided revenue to the state, but it is a much greater benefit to everyone else when the boom falls.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Operating at the extremes is equally destructive and will ultimately result in a correction. If the price gets too low, we reduce production and start purchasing it elsewhere. If it gets too high, inflation and recession become a risk.

    Also, oil line and oil rig jobs aren’t all that’s affected. Oil and gas are deeply rooted in technology and manufacturing in this country.

    Becker MN
    Posts: 1023

    Hopefully all of you pre-paid for your propane..

    At first I was a bit upset at my pre pay price of $1.799, but I think I’ll end up being quite happy come Jan/Feb..

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    ^We are sitting with about 42,000 gallons total between our x2 50k gallon tanks at an average of about $0.83 per gallon. If/When there is another crash, we will top off our family reserves again. The idea of some business “owning” the propane tank in your yard or signing contracts is a complete scam. I despise the idea of relying on them to provide for me and my family.

    Energy shortages/prices are a big deal. Does anyone remember that time energy prices went down consistently across the board and stayed down? …Yeah, me neither.

    The current debate we are having is at what price point do we begin selling off some of what we have?

    Posts: 68

    If gas prices, empty shelves, increased costs, etc. pi$$ you off.

    Google – Reparation for illegal immigrants

    Un-phucking believable

    Becker MN
    Posts: 1023

    If gas prices, empty shelves, increased costs, etc. pi$$ you off.

    Google – Reparation for illegal immigrants

    Un-phucking believable

    Can’t wait to see the libs on the board defend this one..

    Posts: 607

    Yup on the Reparation Package. In fact $450,000 ea. This is complete Bulls—. When is everyone going to wake up and say enough is enough!!!

    Posts: 5139

    Get ready for super-duper-hyper-inflation!!!

    *still waiting for a Brandon voter to speak up and defend any of these actions*

    Posts: 5139

    IMO- they are wanting hyper-inflation to get prices to skyrocket, forcing minimum wage to jump to $20+. Then they can claim they raised minimum wage….even though that $20 is still only worth what was $10….but Brandon voters don’t understand that concept…

    Posts: 5307

    It’s all about votes. Dems r losing, slowly, but still losing the black and Latin vote. Those in these type communities know what I’m talking about no matter what the numbers say.

    Posts: 0

    Why are you guys getting pi$$ed off at the govt. There is NOTHING anyone can do.
    Both parties primary agenda is to not give in the the other party, no matter what the price. Both parties will spend more than they take in, both parties will promise the world, nothing changes no matter who is on office. Same crap, different day

    My advise, go on living your life and don’t worry about politics.

    Posts: 5307

    Both parties primary agenda is to not give in the the other party,

    This is categorically false. It’s about money, and quite frankly their own job/job security. Business 101 really, these social issues are just items in each parties store fronts to bring in consumers. They’ll change such items as needed, bring in others and at times drop items as they see fit.

    Problem lies in the fact the consumer is becoming more and more clueless to the items they are buying into. Algorithms are manipulating common sense and folks are buying up whatever is presented to them no questions asked.

    It can be changed once enough people figure this out.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    Why are you guys getting pi$$ed off at the govt. There is NOTHING anyone can do.
    Both parties primary agenda is to not give in the the other party, no matter what the price. Both parties will spend more than they take in, both parties will promise the world, nothing changes no matter who is on office. Same crap, different day

    My advise, go on living your life and don’t worry about politics.

    I would disagree. I get live life and don’t involved in politics to a point. But when there pushing BS solar gardens into valuable farmland and shutting down pipelines. It’s bs, sure you want solar put it on roof tops, not bull doze acres of trees to be carbon free.. it’s messed up!
    It’s bad now, and if they pass this lipstick on green new deal it’s gonna get ugly, and I mean ugly in away that people are actually gonna start seeing these solar “gardens” in a big way! Should be building nuclear plants not solar gardens. IMO.

    Posts: 5139

    Why are you guys getting pi$$ed off at the govt. There is NOTHING anyone can do.

    My advise, go on living your life and don’t worry about politics.

    Yet here we are, 245 years later….

    Posts: 703

    Why are you guys getting pi$$ed off at the govt. There is NOTHING anyone can do.
    Both parties primary agenda is to not give in the the other party, no matter what the price. Both parties will spend more than they take in, both parties will promise the world, nothing changes no matter who is on office. Same crap, different day

    My advise, go on living your life and don’t worry about politics.


    Posts: 607

    Your advice is don’t worry about politics? There’s a small fire in your garage and don’t worry about that either! Last I remembered we still vote for politicians and can make a difference. The “suck it up buttercup” theory is what will bring this country farther down a path that I would sure hope most don’t want.

    Posts: 0

    Did I ever say don’t vote? I said don’t get your undies in a bunch cause there is nothing you can really do. I assume everyone here voted, but yet a lot still seem to be pi$$ed off.

    Posts: 1271

    let’s go Branden, 40 years in office,what were his accomplishments over those 40 years? funny how they spend millions for a job that pays thousand and all walk out as multi millionaires.

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