Trim won't work on '87 90hp Johnson.

  • Rick Streiff
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 109

    Hopefully somebody can help me, I can’t trim my motor up or down. When I hit the button the cellinoids (spelling?) Just click for up and down. The pump makes no noise at all though. Any ideas?

    Posts: 3911

    I will chip in here to try and help,do you have a volt meter? or at least a test lite? the reason I ask is that you need to make sure you have battery voltage at the solenoids,if you do,check the voltage when trying the trim,if you have a significant drop,you are either losing power from the battery,or you have a bad ground,check the grounds at the battery,and at the motor itself,and then to the trim motor,sometimes you will lose ground between the trim motor,and the ground back to the battery.if this checks out,check the trim motor side of the solenoids when engaging the trim switch,if you have power on the trim motor side,either the armature is stuck,or possibly burnt out,or the brushes have lost continuity,try gently tapping on the motor housing,if this makes it work,most likely the brushes are stuck or gummed up,either way its time to have it repaired,here in Iowa,I am fortunate enough to have two electrical shops that will repair them for less than half of what a dealer wants.hope this helps.
    edit to add,if you do not have power on the trim motor side of the solenoid when engaging the trim switch,then the solenoid is bad,but cant believe both would have quit at once

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