With all the water out west, the canal is still raging with current. My cousins from Utah were out, so I took them out fishing along with my stepdad, and we managed to catch quite a few crappies, gills, and a small flatty, but the real catch of the day was this nice sauger that Tanner brought in, and was nearly another Master Angler at 20 3/4″. The pic isn’t all that great, so you can’t see how fat this fish really was. The best part was that we caught him using something new, so we have another weapon in the arsenal. I love arsenals.
He struggled a little bit with the release, but seemed to swim off nicely once we got him under control.
I only wish the next day would have been as good. I fished 4 reservoirs the next day, and struggled on every one of them. We did catch quite a few white bass, but that was really about it. I had some good friends out that had never seen some of the areas, so it was a good day all in all.
This heat has been crazy this week, so it might be a good weekend for me to stay in the a/c and watch a little tv. But then again, I do have some new areas I need to check out…..