So that’s what we did. Had my buddy Paul and his dad Don with me yesterday and in a couple hours I hit 9 saugers and one walleye. Biggest was 18″. We had 11 fish in the boat total.
Today, my buddies Jake, Ryan and Steve were with me together we had about 30 fish in 3 hrs or so, and I believe only 1 or 2 of em were walleyes. The rest were saugers. Biggest was about 18 again. Steve put on a clinic and had probably at least a dozen. I had about 12-13 myself. But we sure would have enjoyed seeing whatever Steve had on for 5-10 seconds before it busted him off. Drag screamed and I’m confident saying it was a large flatty.
The BFishN Tackle Moxi was a hot bite in Goldcracker, but other other baits seemed to work at times as well. As you can see, some of them are just footballs. Take a look at the pic…think they were aggressive??? I had to pry a few jaws open to get my Moxi back!
There’s nothing like the walleye thump as you’re letting a jig fall. It’s my cocaine!