Tri-state Custom Rod Builders Workshop near CR IA 9/20/14

  • chuckles
    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 427

    Sept. 20, 2014 – Saturday – Tri-state Rod Builders Workshop
    9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Center
    10260 Morris Hills Road
    Toddville, Iowa 52341

    I apologize for any cross posting – want to get the word out! Please pass onto others as you can!

    Come and learn about rod building with many masters of the art form from throughout the Midwest at a beautiful Nature Center outside of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. We are arranging a variety of topics, demonstrations and exhibitors. Current presenters include Mark Blabaum, Sam Fox, Kyle Robinson, Andy Wolfram, a session on how to photograph your creations effectively by the past President of the Linn Area Photo Club – Bob Lancaster, and others are in the works. The meeting is free to anyone interested in rod building from beginners to professionals and all should leave with new thoughts and ideas on how to build better fishing rods. We will take a good will donation to cover food expenses at lunch. We will be drawing for a limited number of door prizes at the end of the day. Current sponsors of the event and door prizes include Batson Enterprises, Bingham Enterprises, Linn County Conservation Department, Midwest Rod & Reel,, Rodguild, Archies Handles, and possibly others that are yet to commit. We will have some complete kits, some blanks and other items you would love to carry home!

    Topics we intend to cover this year include making dragon scales, shrink wrap grips, photographing your creations, Rod Building for Business or Pleasure?, Balancing form with function, Component fit and finish for a professional look and much more.

    Part of the program this year may be a show and tell session with the rods folks have brought in to display their craft. We also will have a limited time at the end of the day for a little swap meet so bring in anything related to building fishing rods for a bit of buy, sell or trade.

    Bill Pulk from Midwest Rod and Reel will be present and will offer a 10% discount on any orders placed with him through Sept. 13 with the merchandise available at the event – plus you will avoid the shipping charges. He offers Batson Enterprises components and blanks, if you wish to see his website look at his website here: If you want to just take a look at some components or shake some blanks you will be able to do that at the show as well. I call this a win,win,win.

    For more information or to RSVP so we can plan an appropriate amount of food please contact Chuck at (319) 892-6485 or at [email protected] There will be time during the day to network with other builders – what a great way to share your craft!

    For those who have built custom rods before – please bring a few along to display your work, we’ll have racks set up to display all the works of art – it is always a learning experience to see what other folks have designed. During the workshop the last several years we’ve had visitors here from as many as 6 or 7 states. Hope to see you here.

    For location you can click on this link for either a satellite view or a map:

    1. rodbuilding_chukc2.jpg

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3142

    I can vouch for this being a fun day. I’ll miss this time around as I will be fishing a Muskie tourney in Okoboji that weekend.

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