Nafa shipment

  • TeamBurbot
    Posts: 324

    Well here is the first shipment of furs heading to Nafa. I have never shipped before and had to work when the truck came through town so I had my wife take them in and it’s was a breeze she said so I hope the prices are still on the higher end just to cap off a good year. I didn’t get any of my beaver put up in time. So Iam hoping that ill get them done for the late sale. Can’t wait to get information back on how the sale went

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Let us know how you do.

    I got a question for you on this. My buddy and I are considering learning how to put up our fall catch. If for anything the freezer fills fast on a good fall.

    I know it varies greatly by the fur itself, but if you had to give a ballpark guess… What % of price increase do you see on furs that are put up vs. simply freezing the animals and selling that way?


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    Let us know how you do.

    I got a question for you on this. My buddy and I are considering learning how to put up our fall catch. If for anything the freezer fills fast on a good fall.

    I know it varies greatly by the fur itself, but if you had to give a ballpark guess… What % of price increase do you see on furs that are put up vs. simply freezing the animals and selling that way?


    In the round Vs put up can possibly double or more your $$$

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    You are by far better off putting up your furs. Do yourself a big haver and DON’T buy wire stretchers. NAFA will tell you the same thing. You can make up to a $.50-$1 per hide more putting your stuff on boards.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I see that comment on other forums about boards. Can you guys elaborate why boards are better?

    Sorry for so many stupid questions. I guess it’s just part of being a rookie.

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    Wire puts “sharp” endges on the hide, the fur dries faster, and u end up with hooks digging into your fur. Boards give you a more uniform hide with nice round side and the fur dries slower. The pins you us dont damage any part of the fur. The slower your furs dry the more color you will have making the fur more desirable. It’s all about looks. When furs dry fast they turn dark some almost a black. When they dry slow they stay pink and look real nice. The furs are both still good dark or pink, but when it comes to buyers it’s all about the looks…

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Just one other thing about wire. You need to be careful on the tension you set. The wire can twist a little as the pelt dries and you get a “crooked” looking pelt. A lot of guys use wire, and some get great looking results. But for the best uniform looking pelts, wood will usually prevail.

    A few other advantages to wood.
    *Easier to pre-mark pelt sizes and stretch accordingly.
    *easier to use push pins to get the opening straight and uniform. Vs on wire, you have two slides for gripping the pelt and then using clothes pins or equivalent.
    If you over-stretch a little, the wire will leave distinct ring around the edges of the pelt.
    * Not every animal grew to the shape (length x Width) that the industry looks for. If you need to pull the pelt down more in length, the wire flexes and looses its width, where wood won’t change

    Posts: 324

    I agree with the wood vs wire but for me I use wire. It’s faster and I have trouble getting my furs to look good on wood. It takes practice wire is just so easy.

    Posts: 11

    not to sound like a know it all but you trap for fun you put up fur to make money ya it may not be easy but wood all the way after you get on to it comes out about as fast but you will gain a size or to, next time you go to a trappers rendezvous go to all the skinning demos ask questions it dose make a diff.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    how did ya come out then on the sale?

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    I only sent rat to this auction. Ended up with a $11.30 average with my top rats going for $18. For rats they are down some from last year but not as bad as beaver coon and mink.

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