Shipped my furs

  • deerdragger
    Posts: 346

    I was hoping to add some fox or yote pelts to our catch before shipping them out, but decided to send them out yesterday.

    The last year I trapped was about 1988 or 1989…so my traps weren’t the only thing that was rusty. Couldn’t connect on any canines.

    The Men and I had a great time pinching rats and we did manage one jumbo coon. We plan on buying more traps (DPs) for next year.

    I may still string a few snares in efforts to snag a fox or coyote. Otherwise, we’re done trapping for now. We may try for some spring beaver. That would be fun.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    That first pic is a timeless classic! Regardless of how many pelts you shipped, that pic with the kids shows true success! Congrats

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    That is a great pic!!!

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    It don’t matter what’s rustier your trap or you. To them boys you’re the best trapper alive. Well done on bringing new blood to the field….

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